Friday, August 31, 2012

September 3-7

It's been a great week!

We got to learn about one another through working on our biographies.  We also talked about the class expectations, rules and routines for the school year.  Together we also reviewed what we remembered in Math and Reading from the first grade class. 

For next week:

We will start the first unit in Social Studies called,"Governing the People". In Math, we will continue to look at, "Number Concepts Through 50" that will include a number line, estimating, and comparing numbers.  In English we will start Unit 1 called, "The Sentence". 

About the weekly spelling test:

Every Monday I will give 10 spelling words to the students and the following Monday I will test the students on these 10 words given.  These words are either second grade level sight words (words every second grader should easily know) or words that follow a phonic theme.  Everyone is required to take this portion of the test.  There will also be 5 bonus words based on the vocabulary from other subjects which we have studied in class.  The bonus words are optional.  If the student is struggling with the first 10 words I would encourage them not to take the test for these bonus words.  However if the student is finding the first 10 words easy they are encouraged to try the bonus words.

Thank you to those who have been signing the homework books everyday. I encourage you to continue to do so throughout the year. 

I have not yet received all the school suppliespayments (NT$387) ; if you haven't sent the money in to me could you do so soon so I can pass it along to Mrs. Debbie. This is for their file folder with inserts and notebooks which we have bought in bulk so we can sell to students at a lower cost and ensure that they all have the same file folder/notebooks.

Some students do not yet have the required school supplies (red pens, easier, scissors, etc). Could you help your child to ensure they have brought in all necessary supplies to class? 

Happy Birthday to Jessica and Wilbur this past week!

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