Friday, September 28, 2012

October 1-5

The second grade had a very busy week!

In Social Studies, we finished Unit 1 on "The Government". We learned
many new concepts and vocabulary words in this unit. Well done!

Next week we will start Chapter 1 in Science - Plants are Living
Things. We will take short field trips around the school to collect,
study and categorize leafs and seeds.

In Math we will finish Chapter 3 which focuses on subtracting and will
start Chapter 4 on Tuesday which focuses on Data, Graphing and

In English we completed unit 1 "The Sentence" and next week we will
turn our focus to the writing process and start writing a personal

Our artistic side came out this week and we completed the 3-part
project titled "Summer Activities". These are on display in the
classroom if you have a chance to come and look at them. Next week we
will draw and paint a step-by-step piece of art about a cat.

This week we read a non-fiction and fiction story about hippos, and
talked about the similarities and differences. This story concludes
our first series of readings. Next week we will turn our focus to
reading and writing different kinds of poetry.

* When your child reads at home (or is being read to) please encourage
them to write the number of minutes they read in their library
workbook journal. This will help me track their reading minutes and
will be a reminder to the student that they should be reading at home
each day.

Happy Birthday to Kisa and Alexander this week!

Congratulations to Alexander Stacey for being this week's Student of
the Week. Alexander has been responsible in class and continues to
help other students when they need it. Keep it up!

The Week of October 1-5
Monday - Spelling quiz. Quiz words: wait, weight, beet, beat, deer,
dear, ring, wring, meet, meat. Bonus words: respectful, responsible,
cooperative, border, survey
Monday - Math quiz on Chapter 3 Subtracting numbers
Wednesday - School wide wear blue for awarness week
Thursday - English Reading Comprehension quiz

9/28 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes (log minutes read in library workbook)
Math Review for chapter 3 quiz
Spelling Review for quiz
English Journal "What is your least favorite subject?"
Reading Comprehension WB "The Twins"

Thursday, September 27, 2012

9/27 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Math WB 3.8
English Grammar WB pages 6,7,9,11,13
Social Studies Review for unit 1 quiz

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

9/26 Homework

Homework: Happy Birthday Alexander!
Read for 20 minutes
Math WB 3.7
English Grammar WB 3-5 (quiz on unit 1 has been moved to Friday)
Social Studies WB page 1 "Pretest"

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

9/25 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Math WB 3.5-3.6
Reading Comprehension WB "Chicago"
English Grammar WB 11,1,2
*Sign reading quiz

Monday, September 24, 2012

9/24 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Math WB 3.4
Spelling write sentences for new words; wait, weight, beet, beat, deer, dear, ring, wring, meet, meat
bonus words; respectful, responsible, cooperative, border, survey

Friday, September 21, 2012

September 24-28

Off and running in the second grade

In Math we completed chapter 2 on addition and started chapter 3 on subtraction which we will continue with next week. All students should be able to add single digit numbers and are encouraged to use counting blocks in class if they are having trouble with this.

In English we concentrated on parts of the sentence and next week we will have a quiz on Unit 1. All students should be able to recognize and use the "naming part" and the "action part" of a sentence.

In Reading class we read the story that we all found very funny called  "Mrs. Brown Went to Town", and next week we will read a fiction and non-fiction story and compare the differences. The stories are called "The Surprise" and "Hippo".

In Social Studies we continued learning about community and state governments and next week we will review what we have learned so far as well as concentrate on reading a map. We will also have a quiz on Unit 1 next week, "Governing the People".

The students have been off to a good start with their journals. Please encourage your child to write as much as they can about the topic.

Congratulations to Taichi for being the student of the week. Taichi has been following the routines of the class and is very respectful to other students. Keep it up!

September 24-28
Monday Spelling quiz; only, own, shall, start, together, warm, past, shape, gain, break. Bonus words; capital, constitution, council, question, command
Thursday English quiz on Unit 1 "The Sentence"
Friday Social Studies quiz on Unit one "Governing the People"


"On Top of Spaghetti" 

9/21 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Spelling Review for week 3 quiz
Journal "What is your favorite subject in school?"
Math WB 3.3
Reading WB 79-82

Thursday, September 20, 2012

9/20 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes
Math WB 3.1-3.2 and sign test and corrections
Reading WB 74-78

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

9/19 Homework

Homework: Read for 15 minutes
English Grammar WB 9-10
Math Review for quiz

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

9/18 Homework

Homework: Read for 15 minutes,
English Grammar WB 5-8
Reading Comprehension WB "Two great vacation ideas"

Monday, September 17, 2012

9/17 Homework

Homework: Read for 15 minutes
Math WB 2.7
Spelling Write sentences for new words; only, own, shall, start, together, warm, past, shape, gain, break. Bonus Words; capital, constitution, council, question, command
Parents please sign the spelling week 2 quiz

Friday, September 14, 2012

September 17-21

 Being responsible in class was this week's theme. We have been continuing to work on taking responsibility for ourselves in the class and acting like responsible second graders. Every student should be asking themselves what they need to be doing to be responsible.

We had our first Math quiz this week.  Next week we will finish Chapter 2 on addition facts and start Chapter 3 on subtraction facts.

Just a reminder to the parents: please sign all the tests your child brings home and return them to school with the child.  All the signed tests will be placed in a student binder.

In English we have been learning about "The Sentence" and we will continue with this next week.

In Reading we read a story about a pig called "Julius" and next week we will read a story called "Mrs. Brown goes to town". I have some CDs with all the stories on them. Please let me know if you would like to borrow one of the CDs so your child may listen to the story at home.

In Social Studies we worked on Unit 1 about the government. Next week we will read and discuss lesson 4 (Our Country's
Government) and lesson 5 (community and state governments).
Congratulations to Jessica for being this weeks student of the week. She is very responsible in class. She was also elected as the second grade class president by the students this week. Keep it up!

September 17-21
Monday - Spelling quiz: about, better, carry, clean, draw, eight, grow, laugh, light, myself.  Optional words: government, judge, tax, elections, president
Thursday - Math quiz on Chapter 2 addition facts
Friday - Reading quiz (based on second grade reading and vocabulary understanding)

 Second and Fifth Grade Reading Buddies 

9/14 Homework

Homework: Read for 15 minutes
Journal - What is your favorite game? Describe it and write about why you like it.
Spelling - Review for spelling quiz
Math WB 2.6

* If you were not at the parent night on Thursday, I've given your child the 2012-2013 curriculum package for grade 2 for your reference.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Homework 9/13

Homework - Read for 15 minutes
Math WB 2.4-2.5
Reading Comprehension WB "Cheetahs" Please use complete sentences 
Art - Please bring in a smock to keep in the class to use when we are painting. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

9/12 Homework

Homework: Read for 15 minutes,
Math WB 2.3
Reading Workbook 70-73

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Homework 9/11

Homework: Read for 15 minutes
Math WB 2.2 and sign test
Reading Comprehension WB "Killer Whales"

Monday, September 10, 2012

9/10 Homework

Spelling - Write sentences for new words (about, better, carry, clean, draw, eight, grow, laugh, light, myself) Bonus words (government, judge, tax, elections, president)
Math - WB 2.1

Friday, September 7, 2012

September 10-14

A great week for the second grade class!

This week in Math we finished Chapter 1 and we will have a quiz on
Monday. We will also start Chapter 2, called addition facts.

In English we have been learning about parts of the sentence.

For the Reading class we read our first class story, "Dragon Gets By".

All the stories we will read this year will follow a similar pattern:
1) do a picture walk 2) listen to the story 3) read the story out loud
to a partner and 4) answer some comprehension questions about the
story. We will read the story called "Julius" next week.

In Social Studies we continued with unit 1, Governing the People and
next week we will learn about voting and our leaders.

Monday will also be our first spelling quiz. Please see spelling
words below. The bonus words are encouraged for star spellers.

I look forward to meeting with the parents (or seeing you again) this
Thursday at the parent intro evening.

This week's Student of the Week is Jin. He listens and follows
instructions very well. Keep it up!

Dates to remember for September 10-14
Monday: Spelling quiz (always, around, because, been before, don't,
right, their, upon, would). Bonus words are optional (estimate,
difference, sum, community, citizens)
Monday: Math quiz on Chapter 1
Thursday: Parent Intro Evening at 6:30pm

9/7 Homework

Reading - Read for 15 minutes
Spelling - Review for spelling quiz
Math - Review for chapter 1 quiz
Journal - Write as much detail as you can "What is your favorite season? Describe how you feel during that season."

Thursday, September 6, 2012

9/6 Homework

Read for 15 minutes;
Social Studies Workbook page 2 "What's the Problem" and for advanced learner "Vocabulary Transparency" (this is optional for students),
English Workbook 3-4

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

9/5 Homework

Homework: Reading - Read for 15 minutes, Reading Comprehension WB "The first day of school"

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

9/4 Homework

Homework: Math Workbook 1.4-1.5
English Grammar WB 1-2
Finish Biography

Monday, September 3, 2012

9/3 Homework

Homework: Spelling - write sentences for spelling words (always, around, because, been, before, don't, right, their, upon, would) Bonus words - these are encouraged but optional for advanced spellers (estimate, difference, sum, community, citizens).
Math - WorkBook 1.3