Friday, September 7, 2012

September 10-14

A great week for the second grade class!

This week in Math we finished Chapter 1 and we will have a quiz on
Monday. We will also start Chapter 2, called addition facts.

In English we have been learning about parts of the sentence.

For the Reading class we read our first class story, "Dragon Gets By".

All the stories we will read this year will follow a similar pattern:
1) do a picture walk 2) listen to the story 3) read the story out loud
to a partner and 4) answer some comprehension questions about the
story. We will read the story called "Julius" next week.

In Social Studies we continued with unit 1, Governing the People and
next week we will learn about voting and our leaders.

Monday will also be our first spelling quiz. Please see spelling
words below. The bonus words are encouraged for star spellers.

I look forward to meeting with the parents (or seeing you again) this
Thursday at the parent intro evening.

This week's Student of the Week is Jin. He listens and follows
instructions very well. Keep it up!

Dates to remember for September 10-14
Monday: Spelling quiz (always, around, because, been before, don't,
right, their, upon, would). Bonus words are optional (estimate,
difference, sum, community, citizens)
Monday: Math quiz on Chapter 1
Thursday: Parent Intro Evening at 6:30pm

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