Friday, September 28, 2012

October 1-5

The second grade had a very busy week!

In Social Studies, we finished Unit 1 on "The Government". We learned
many new concepts and vocabulary words in this unit. Well done!

Next week we will start Chapter 1 in Science - Plants are Living
Things. We will take short field trips around the school to collect,
study and categorize leafs and seeds.

In Math we will finish Chapter 3 which focuses on subtracting and will
start Chapter 4 on Tuesday which focuses on Data, Graphing and

In English we completed unit 1 "The Sentence" and next week we will
turn our focus to the writing process and start writing a personal

Our artistic side came out this week and we completed the 3-part
project titled "Summer Activities". These are on display in the
classroom if you have a chance to come and look at them. Next week we
will draw and paint a step-by-step piece of art about a cat.

This week we read a non-fiction and fiction story about hippos, and
talked about the similarities and differences. This story concludes
our first series of readings. Next week we will turn our focus to
reading and writing different kinds of poetry.

* When your child reads at home (or is being read to) please encourage
them to write the number of minutes they read in their library
workbook journal. This will help me track their reading minutes and
will be a reminder to the student that they should be reading at home
each day.

Happy Birthday to Kisa and Alexander this week!

Congratulations to Alexander Stacey for being this week's Student of
the Week. Alexander has been responsible in class and continues to
help other students when they need it. Keep it up!

The Week of October 1-5
Monday - Spelling quiz. Quiz words: wait, weight, beet, beat, deer,
dear, ring, wring, meet, meat. Bonus words: respectful, responsible,
cooperative, border, survey
Monday - Math quiz on Chapter 3 Subtracting numbers
Wednesday - School wide wear blue for awarness week
Thursday - English Reading Comprehension quiz

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