Friday, December 14, 2012

December 17 - January 11

Happy Holidays!

What a busy week we've had with plenty of activities - baking holiday
cookies, making Santa lanterns, practicing for the concert, and of
course our regular class work!

In English, the students have started writing their own story.  We
will revise and make an e-book out of the story after we return from
the Christmas break.

In Social Studies, we continued working on Unit 4 "People Long Ago"
and learning about how America gained it's Independence and some
important people in Americas history.

In Math, we continued with Chapter 8 on Solid Shapes and on Monday we
will have a quiz on this.

Next Tuesday (December 18th) we will have a small class Christmas
Party.  There will be fun Christmas activities for the class to do.
If your child would like to bring in a light snack or drink to share with
classmates, they are more than welcome to do so.  School will finish
after lunch on this day.

Congratulations to Jin for being this week's Student of the Week!

I will assign some homework for the children to do over the break.  I
do this so that all the lessons the kids have learned are kept fresh
so we are all prepared to get back to school in January.  However, the
students are not required to complete the homework if you are
traveling or busy with other activities during the break.

Monday 12/17 Spelling and Math chapter 8 quiz

Have a wonderful holiday!

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