Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Christmas Break Homework is given to you to keep your skills fresh. If you are traveling you can bring it all with you because it is light. Do as much as you can, if you are busy with other activities you do not have to finish everything. This is your break have fun!

Everyday read 20 minutes from a book and every other day read out loud to someone (mom, dad, friend, brother, sister, cat, fish, etc) for 15 minutes. Be sure to write it in your Library Journal.  

Write two journal entries;
1) What is more important in life: presents or people?
2) What do you think is the “perfect” age to be? If you could choose one age and stay that age forever, what would you choose?

Study spelling words

*Be ready for class on Monday (1/7)! 

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