Friday, June 14, 2013

June 17-19

This will be the final weekly blog post of this school year!

As the year comes to an end I want to thank all the students for the
effort, trust and energy that they gave this year. I'm so happy to see
the learning and personal growth of each student. Well done!

I want to also thank the parents for the support you have given to you
child with the homework and preparation of class.

There has been a lot of growth this year and the students are in a
good routine. It's important that the children continue to read and/or
be read to over the summer so their skills may remain in tune. Also,
the students have explored various websites on my blog that are great
for keeping their skills sharp. They have their favorite sites but
they should also be encouraged to explore other sites on my blog. They
are all safe for the children to use.

The Student of the Week this week is Mr. Taichi Nishiwaki. Taichi 
participates excellently and sets a great example for his classmates.

This week we have been wrapping up all the subjects.

Next week will be a mix of classes, packing up and celebrations.

The students will be bringing a few items home each day.

June 17-19
Monday - Spelling Quiz.
Monday Math Quiz Chapters 20 and 21.
Monday Final Assembly from 2:00-3:00PM in the library. Parents as
always are welcome to attend. Veronica will be playing a piano song!

* Tuesday 11:00-12:00 AM - Water Fun. Please bring change of clothes
and towel (water gun is optional). I will arrange some activities for
the kids to get wet.
Tuesday - normal classes and packing up.

Wednesday - final day of class, year book signing, Ayden's Birthday
Party and End of the Year Party (students may bring a snack to share
or a small game/toy) School finishes at 1:00.

If your child would like to email me over the summer and let me know
what they are up to, I would love to hear from them and I will respond
right away so long as I have internet access.

This summer my wife and I will be taking a few short trips together
and getting ready for the new addition to our family. Speaking
of which we are looking to buy a few baby things such as stroller,
bassinet and so on.  As you are all parents I though I would ask you
if you knew of good place to buy these either new or preferably used.

Thank you again everyone for such a wonderful year!

Best Wishes,

James Anderson

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