Monday, October 21, 2013


Homework: read for 20 minutes,
Write sentences for new spelling words,
Math workbook 4.9,

My wife and I  are proud and happy to announce the birth of our son Hunter Hugh Anderson.  He was born at 7:30 PM on October 20 weighing 3.3kg (7.3 pounds). Both Hunter and Feng Yi are healthy and well. 

很高興與你分享:我們的兒子 Hunter Hugh Anderson 於10月20日晚上7點30分於新竹出生,體重3300公克,母子均安。謝謝大家在這些日子以來,給我們的關心與鼓勵!


  1. Congratulations! We're very happy to hear your baby was born. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Anderson.

    By Chris and his family ^^

  2. Congratulaions! We're very happy to hear that your baby was born. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Anderson.

    Chris and his family ^^
