Friday, February 7, 2014

February 5 - 14

Welcome back to school and such a great start to semester two. The second graders quickly got back in the swing of class this week.

In English we started a new unit that focuses on writing instructions. The children had a warm-up exercise by instructing me how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. To their surprise it was harder than expected. But in the end everyone gave instructions well enough to earn a sandwich. Next week each student will choose a topic that they are familiar with. Then they will write instructions as we go through the writing process. Finally, I will publish their instructions on my blog. Stay tuned.

In Math this week we started a new unit on fractions and will continue to work on this next week.

For Reading class next week we will start Unit 4 and read the first story, Officer Buckle and Gloria. If you would like a CD to listen lo the stories at home, please let me know.

In Science we continued with Chapter 6, Rocks, Soils and Fossils. Next week we will take a quiz on this chapter.

For Social Studies over the next few weeks we will be turning our attention to International Week. The second grade class has elected to focus on the country of Egypt. We will be doing some research and each student will make a poster which they will use to present their findings to the children in other grades. If you have anything that is related to Egypt at home and you wouldn't mind bringing into school we would appreciate the extra decorations in class. Things like books, posters, money, etc. would be excellent.

February 14 is Valentine's Day. We will be making cards in class and will have a card opening party on the 14th. Students are welcome to bring in a small snacks to share during our class party.

Congratulations to Ashley Wang for being the Student of the Week! Ashley gets along wonderfully with her classmates and always tries her best in class. Keep it up!

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Wednesday - Comprehension Quiz
Friday - Science Quiz on Chapter 6 (Rocks, Soils, and Fossils)
Friday - Valentines Day Class party

February 17th - First Day of Clubs
February 25/26 - International Week Presentations

Reading Buddies

Happy Birthday Heather

Painting Time

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