Friday, April 18, 2014

April 14-25

The second grade is heating up and so is the weather. We had a good week which has been highlighted by the preparation of the Science Fair.

In Math this week we continued with Topic 16, Graphs and Probability. The students enjoyed making their own survey and creating a bar graph with their results. Next week we will conclude this topic and start Topic 17, Numbers and Patterns to 1,000.

For English this week we started Unit 9, More Capitalization and Punctuation and next week we will continue with this.

In Reading this week we read a story called Jalapeno Bagels and discussed how different cultures enjoy different kinds of foods. Next week we will read a story called Carousel.

For Social Studies we continued with our unit titled, People Long Ago. We looked at various landmarks, monuments, heroes and holidays. Next week we will conclude this unit of study.

In Science we have been busy preparing for the Science Fair which will be held on Tuesday April, 22. Parents are welcome to come in and watch the students' presentations and participate in the experiments.
Here is the schedule
9:00 - 10:20 Grades 4 - 6 present their projects
10:50 - 11:40 Grades Pre-K - 3 present
11:40 - 12:00 Clean up

The Student of the Week this week is Chris Choi. Chris continues to work hard and is becoming a very good class leader. Keep it up! 

Upcoming dates
Monday - Field Trip money is due $NT 500 per person.
Monday - Spelling Quiz: lawn, spray, slip, loose, energy, clover, purse, nurse, raisins, bloom. Bonus Words: comfortable, appearance, laughed, swallow, tangled
Tuesday - Science Fair
Thursday - Social Studies quiz "People Long Ago",

We would like to thank Mrs. Mooney (Sean's mom) for reading a story to the class. Next week we have another parent coming in to read. Any guesses as to who it will be? Please let me know if you would also like to come in and read.

Easter Egg Hunting

Happy Birthday Taemin

Pottery Time! 

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