Friday, April 11, 2014

April 7-18

The second grade class enjoyed a week full of learning. It was very nice to meet and talk with so many of the parents this week.

In Math class this week we completed Topic 15, Time and Temperature and started Topic 16, Graphs and Probability. Next week we will continue with this topic.

For English class this week we concluded Unit 7, Adjectives. The next topic will be Capitalization and Punctuation.

In Reading this week we read a story about brothers and sisters. Next week we will continue with our family theme by reading a story called Jalapeno Bagels.

For Science, the students have been busy preparing for the upcoming Science Fair. We conducted many experiments this week. Next week will we prepare to present our findings at the Science Fair on April 22nd. Parents are welcome to come in and observe and be a part of it.

In Social Studies this week we continued learning about Native Americans and how America gained it's freedom. Next week we will continue with this topic.

Congratulations to Yebin Kim for being the Student of the Week! Yebin always volunteers to answer questions in class and asks when she is unsure of the answer. Keep it up!

On May 1st the second grade will take a field trip to Green World. A form was sent home with your child today to see how many parents and siblings would like to come with us. Please return this on Monday 4/14 so I may organize the bus and costs. Here is their website Green World Website

Upcoming Dates
Monday - Spelling Quiz: village, bridge, fence, strange, chance, twice, change, glance, since, edge; Bonus Words: apologize, middle, explore, beaver, brownie
Wednesday - Pottery Day
Thursday - Reading Comprehension Quiz

Please also refer to the upcoming events

April 16 Pottery
April 18 Easter Egg Hunt
April 20 Easter
Earth Week April 21-25
April 22 Earth Day
April 22 Science Fair
April 25 School Assembly
May 1 School Trip
May 2-5 Mid Semester Break
May 11 Mother’s Day
May 12-16 Iowa Test
May 21 Art Exhibition
May 29-30 School Performance
May 26-30 NO CLUBS
May 30 Library books can no longer be borrowed
May 30 School Assembly
May 30 Secondary Graduation
June 2 Dragon Boat Festival Holiday
June 5 Graduation Rehearsal
June 6 Graduation
June 9/11/13 Music Scavenger Hunt
June 11 Last day of clubs
June 15 Father’s Day
June 16 Reports go Home
June 17 School Assembly
June 18 Last day of school (half day)

Science Fair Experiments 

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