Friday, May 16, 2014

May 12-23

Much to the students' sadness the Iowa tests are now over. I was impressed with the students' dedication to the testing. Well done to all for giving your best.

Next week we will return to regular classes and much to the students' delight homework will start up again.

In Math this week we completed Topic 17, "Number and Patterns to 1,000". Monday we will have a quiz on this topic. We also started Topic 18, "Three-Digit Addition and Subtraction".

For Social Studies next week we will start Unit 6, People in the Marketplace. We will be looking at the process of how things are produced, sold and everything in between.

In English we will continue with Unit 9, More Capitalization and Punctuation.

In Reading class this week we read the chapter book titled, "The Crazy Cool Crickets" and discussed each chapter's problem and solution. Next week we will start Theme 6, Talent Show and read the story titled, "The Art Lesson"

Next week is also the art show at HIS. Student art will be displayed in the library on Wednesday morning. The second grade class will be going to the library at 9:30 - 10:20 to look at all the artworks. Parents are welcome to come in during this time. If you are not able to make it during this time, you can still check out the art in the morning or afternoon on Thursday or Friday.

The student of the week this week is Ashley Wang. Ashley always tries her best in class and showed good concentration during the Iowa tests this week. Keep it up! 

Dates for next week
Monday - Math quiz on Topic 17
Wednesday - Art Show in the library 9:30-10:20

Field Trip Pictures

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