Friday, May 23, 2014

May 19 - 30

Right back at it in the second grade this week. No new cases of Enterovirus and classes have been going on as usual. We will continue to keep our hands and classroom clean and sterilized. If your child is feeling under the weather please have them checked out with a doctor, just to be on the safe side.

In Math class we continued with Topic 18, Adding and Subtracting Three Digit Numbers. Next week we will finish this topic and start the next one, Multiplication Concepts.

For English we have been reviewing concepts learned and practicing with capitalization and punctuation.

In Social Studies we have been focusing on Unit 6, People in the Marketplace. We found and cut out pictures of producers, goods, services, marketplaces and consumers and have displayed them around the room. If students would like to bring in any other examples of these on Monday they are more than welcome to add them to our mural. Next week we will continue with this unit and focus on occupations, income, and how things go from a resource to the store.

For Science next week we will start Chapter 12, Objects in Motion.

In Reading this week we read the story, The Art Lesson. Next week will we read, Moses Goes to a Concert and even learn how to do a bit of sign language.

The Student of the Week is William Lu. William consistently makes sure he is writing the correct answer even at the risk of taking a bit longer. Keep up the persistence.

Dates to remember
Monday - Spelling quiz (picture, person, perfect, common, expert, survive, perform, helmet, allow, barber) Bonus Words: occupation, income, factory, resource, scarce)
Wednesday - Math Quiz on Topic 18
Thursday - School of Rock performance at the Science Park. Doors open at 6:30and show starts at 7:00
Friday - School Assembly at 2:20. This is the last monthly assembly of the year. My wife and Hunter will make a special visit and as always parents are welcome to come and join
Friday - Second School of Rock performance at the Science Park Doors open at 6:30 and show starts at 7:00

Art Show

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