Wednesday, October 26, 2011

10/26 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Reading WB 109-112, Journal "Should children have strict bedtimes? What is a fair time for bed? Why?", Math Work sheet, Science Review chapter 3 for quiz.
Students brought home sign up forms for Parent Teacher meeting, fill out and return as soon as possible.
Students also brought home 1st quarter reports.

Days to remember for November 1-4

Spelling quiz on Tuesday (flight, build, brick, skill, lift, mumble, narrow, brag, reverse, risky)

Science quiz on Chapter 3 on Tuesday 

Reading quiz on Thursday on Concepts from the Reading Practice Book

Handwriting quiz on Friday on "ng"

Congratulations to Wilson Tang for being this weeks student of the week. He had a great presentation and has been following the rules of the class with much improvement. Everyone keep up the good work!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

10/25 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Comprehension WB "Lunch Box Surprise" Science Study guide B WB page 9-10, Math Work Sheets, Music practice song for Halloween.
See some of you tomorrow!

Monday, October 24, 2011

10/24 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Spelling write sentences for new words (flight, build, brick, skill, lift, mumble, narrow, brag, reverse, risky) Math Review chapter 5 and 6 for unit 2 test, sign chapter 6 quiz.

Students of the week in October. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

October 24-26

Good Day Once Again,

This week was a full and busy week here in the second grade. We finished Chapter 6 in Math class as well as Chapter 2 in Science. The class presentations went very well. I was happy to see improvements in the students presentations skills on their second class public speaking activity. We also have been getting ready for Halloween here in class doing some activities and learning the song "Purple People Eater" which the students will preform on Wednesday at 9:00am. Parents and friends are encouraged to come in and watch all the students dressed up and sing their songs. Speaking of Halloween, our class will also be having some extra activities after the song such as trick-er-treating and a candy search. If you have some extra candy for the class to use for this could you please bring it in by Tuesday.
Wednesday will also be Masatoshi's last day at school as his family is moving back to Japan. We will have a going away party in the afternoon. We will all miss Masa very much here in the class.

Congratulations to Ayane Kono for being this weeks student of the week. She has been following the rules of the class extremely well and always works well with others. Keep up the good work!

October 24-26 quiz dates

Monday, Spelling quiz; speed, dream, real, greed, least, clear, flicker, grasp, jewel

Monday, Math quiz on Chapter 6

Wednesday, Halloween Activities (Song at 9:00am on the basketball court)

Thursday and Friday no school.

Have a great weekend.

James Anderson

10/21 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Journal If you could choose one superpower to have for a day, which would you select? Describe in detail your activities as a superhero. Spelling Study for quiz, Math WB 6.6 review for quiz on Chapter 6. Practice Purple People Eater Song.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

10/20 Homework

Homework: Read 30 minutes from a story book, Math WB 6.5, Science Practice your presentation (Mr. Harris will be joining our class to watch the students presentations)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10/19 Homework and Sport Day Teams

Homework; Read 30 minutes from story book, Reading WB 106-108, Science Practice your animal presentation, Math WB 6.4. Please refer to Mr. Burt's blog to find information on the Sport Day Teams and what to wear on that day.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

10/18 Homework

Homework: Read 30 minutes from story book (make sure to log your minutes into your library WB), Reading Journal - Fantasy, If you can do whatever you wanted in one day, What would you do? Math WB 6.2-6.3

Please let me know if your child has recently won any awards outside of this school and I will be sure to mention it during the school wide assembly this Friday.

Monday, October 17, 2011

10/17 Homework

Homework: Read 30 minutes from story book, Spelling Write sentences for new words(speed, dream, real, greed, least, clear, flicker, grasp, jewel, container), Math WB 6.1 test sign, Science review for chapter 2 quiz.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Good day all,

This week seemed to have flown by as it was only a four day school week.

Nevertheless it was a very busy week - we began Chapter 5 in Math on Place Values and we learned about Poems in Reading class.  For English, we continued to write our personal narrative as we moved from the revising stage to the proofreading stage before we begin the publishing stage next week.  In Science, we learned about what is unique to mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.  We also started a research project which the students will study a specific animal of their choice.  This will be the topic of the second portfolio entry and next week the students will give their second class presentation on their chosen animal.

Halloween Dress-up Day will be held on Wednesday 26th October. Students are encouraged to dress up for that day. Parents are welcome to come in and see all the students' costumes. At 9:00 AM, all classes will be singing a song at the basketball court, where parents and friends are also welcome to stay. This activity will conclude around 10:00 AM.

We would like to decorate our classroom for Halloween. If your child would like to bring in decorations for the class he/she is more than welcome to do so. Any decorations that we can put or hang on the walls would be perfect. Real median-to-large pumpkins for the children to carve would also make a special touch for the holiday.

Congratulations to Richard Tsai for being this week's Student of the Week!  Richard has been working very well with his classmates and was very respectful to others.

Next week's events:

Monday - Spelling quiz on peach, sweet, feast, cream, free, wreath, boulder, jingle, orbit, expensive

Monday - Math quiz on Chapter 6, Place Values

Tuesday - Science quiz on Chapter 2, Animals

Friday - Class presentation on Animals.  All students please prepare for the following questions: Where does the animal live?  What part of the body does it use to move?  What is the animal's body covered with?  How has it adapted to live in its environment?  Why you like the animal?  Give 3 interesting facts about this animal. Students are not required to memorize all this information as they can refer to their portfolio.

Have a great weekend and as always please email me if you have any questions or concerns at

 James Anderson

10/14 Homework

Homework: Read 30 minutes from story book, sign reading test; Spelling study for quiz, Math WB 5.6 review chapter 6 for quiz; Science WB study guide B 6-8.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

10/13 Homework

Homework: Reading 30 minutes from story book, Reading WB 101-105, Math WB 5.5, Journal Describe a typical day in your life. Use 2 sensory details (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste) to make your daily experience come to life.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

10/12 Homework

Homework: Reading for 30 minutes, comprehension WB "T" time with elephants, English Grammar WB 13 and 15. Math WB 5.3-5.4.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

10/11 Homework

Homework: Spelling write new sentences and sign test (peach, sweet, feast, cream, free, wreath, boulder, jingle, orbit, expensive). English WB black line master 12-13, Math WB 5.1-5.2

Friday, October 7, 2011

Week 6

Family Tree Class Presentation Pictures

Greetings again 2nd grade followers. This week we had our first
individual presentation. I thought the students did a wonderful job!
I will be looking forward to having many more presentations and
watching the children improve their speaking skills.

This week we also finished Chapter 4 in Math and took the unit test.
We also went through the Family Unit in Social Studies and in Science
we have started Chapter 2 which is about Animals. In English we are
concentrating on writing a personal narrative using sequence of events
and details. The students were asked to pick one experience they have
had and write about it. They are also learning how to write
introduction, body and conclusion sentences with this paper.

Up coming events at HIS:

October 26th Fancy Dress Day (Halloween)

October 27-28 Mid-Semester Break

October 31st Professional Development day (no school for students)

November 2nd Fun Day

November 8 and 9 Parent Teacher Meetings

November 14-18 Awareness Week

November 24th Thanksgiving (U.S.A.)

More to come on these as the event gets closer

Last but not least, congratulations to Tom Lu for being this week’s Student of the Week! Tom did a great job being open minded this week. He worked well with everyone in the class and not just his friends.

Next week - dates to remember:

Monday no school

Tuesday is the Spelling quiz: steam, cactus, telescope, chilly, snout,
whiff, luggage, hack, partly, slump

Thursday is the Reading test

Have a great week!

James Anderson

Homework 10/7

Homework: Read 30 minutes from a story book, Journal "Have you ever had to apologize to someone? How did you feel before and after the apology?", Science, If you know where any mulberry leafs are could you bring them in to feed our silkworms? (if you can't bring any in that's ok), Math addition worksheet 7 and 8 (sign test). Spelling study for quiz.

Mulberry Leaf

Thursday, October 6, 2011

10/6 Homework

Homework: Read 30 minutes from a story book, Comprehension WB "Rock Collecting", Math review chapters 1-4 for Unit test, Social Studies sign presentation grading form.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

10/5 Homework

Homework: Math (sign test) WB 4.5, 3.4, 2.3, 1.2; Reading Journal "What did you learn about how your grandparents life was similar and different from yours?", Read 30 minutes from story book.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

10/4 Homework

Homework: Reading Comprehension WB "Junk Art", Read for 30 minutes (includes being read to and reading out loud to someone), Math WB 4.9 Review for Chapter 4 quiz, Social Studies Presentation on Family Tree, get a good night sleep.

Monday, October 3, 2011

10/3 Homework

Homework: Read 30 minutes from story book, Reading WB 95-101, Math WB 4.9, Spelling Write sentences for new words.