Friday, October 21, 2011

October 24-26

Good Day Once Again,

This week was a full and busy week here in the second grade. We finished Chapter 6 in Math class as well as Chapter 2 in Science. The class presentations went very well. I was happy to see improvements in the students presentations skills on their second class public speaking activity. We also have been getting ready for Halloween here in class doing some activities and learning the song "Purple People Eater" which the students will preform on Wednesday at 9:00am. Parents and friends are encouraged to come in and watch all the students dressed up and sing their songs. Speaking of Halloween, our class will also be having some extra activities after the song such as trick-er-treating and a candy search. If you have some extra candy for the class to use for this could you please bring it in by Tuesday.
Wednesday will also be Masatoshi's last day at school as his family is moving back to Japan. We will have a going away party in the afternoon. We will all miss Masa very much here in the class.

Congratulations to Ayane Kono for being this weeks student of the week. She has been following the rules of the class extremely well and always works well with others. Keep up the good work!

October 24-26 quiz dates

Monday, Spelling quiz; speed, dream, real, greed, least, clear, flicker, grasp, jewel

Monday, Math quiz on Chapter 6

Wednesday, Halloween Activities (Song at 9:00am on the basketball court)

Thursday and Friday no school.

Have a great weekend.

James Anderson

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