Friday, October 14, 2011

Good day all,

This week seemed to have flown by as it was only a four day school week.

Nevertheless it was a very busy week - we began Chapter 5 in Math on Place Values and we learned about Poems in Reading class.  For English, we continued to write our personal narrative as we moved from the revising stage to the proofreading stage before we begin the publishing stage next week.  In Science, we learned about what is unique to mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.  We also started a research project which the students will study a specific animal of their choice.  This will be the topic of the second portfolio entry and next week the students will give their second class presentation on their chosen animal.

Halloween Dress-up Day will be held on Wednesday 26th October. Students are encouraged to dress up for that day. Parents are welcome to come in and see all the students' costumes. At 9:00 AM, all classes will be singing a song at the basketball court, where parents and friends are also welcome to stay. This activity will conclude around 10:00 AM.

We would like to decorate our classroom for Halloween. If your child would like to bring in decorations for the class he/she is more than welcome to do so. Any decorations that we can put or hang on the walls would be perfect. Real median-to-large pumpkins for the children to carve would also make a special touch for the holiday.

Congratulations to Richard Tsai for being this week's Student of the Week!  Richard has been working very well with his classmates and was very respectful to others.

Next week's events:

Monday - Spelling quiz on peach, sweet, feast, cream, free, wreath, boulder, jingle, orbit, expensive

Monday - Math quiz on Chapter 6, Place Values

Tuesday - Science quiz on Chapter 2, Animals

Friday - Class presentation on Animals.  All students please prepare for the following questions: Where does the animal live?  What part of the body does it use to move?  What is the animal's body covered with?  How has it adapted to live in its environment?  Why you like the animal?  Give 3 interesting facts about this animal. Students are not required to memorize all this information as they can refer to their portfolio.

Have a great weekend and as always please email me if you have any questions or concerns at

 James Anderson

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