Friday, October 7, 2011

Week 6

Family Tree Class Presentation Pictures

Greetings again 2nd grade followers. This week we had our first
individual presentation. I thought the students did a wonderful job!
I will be looking forward to having many more presentations and
watching the children improve their speaking skills.

This week we also finished Chapter 4 in Math and took the unit test.
We also went through the Family Unit in Social Studies and in Science
we have started Chapter 2 which is about Animals. In English we are
concentrating on writing a personal narrative using sequence of events
and details. The students were asked to pick one experience they have
had and write about it. They are also learning how to write
introduction, body and conclusion sentences with this paper.

Up coming events at HIS:

October 26th Fancy Dress Day (Halloween)

October 27-28 Mid-Semester Break

October 31st Professional Development day (no school for students)

November 2nd Fun Day

November 8 and 9 Parent Teacher Meetings

November 14-18 Awareness Week

November 24th Thanksgiving (U.S.A.)

More to come on these as the event gets closer

Last but not least, congratulations to Tom Lu for being this week’s Student of the Week! Tom did a great job being open minded this week. He worked well with everyone in the class and not just his friends.

Next week - dates to remember:

Monday no school

Tuesday is the Spelling quiz: steam, cactus, telescope, chilly, snout,
whiff, luggage, hack, partly, slump

Thursday is the Reading test

Have a great week!

James Anderson

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