Friday, March 30, 2012

April 9-13

What a great week we've had before the Spring Break!

The second grade class has been busy this week with painting, singing, experiments and sports along with all our regular subjects.  The students did a great job decorating the display board outside the cafeteria to promote April's Word of the Month "Conservation", be sure to stop by and check out some ideas on how you can reduce, reuse and recycle.

In Science, we finished the unit on "Magnets" and after the break will start a new chapter on "Comparing Matter".  In Math, we have finished the chapter on "Telling Time" and after the break we will start the "Length" chapter.  In Reading, we read and discussed life with "Brothers and Sisters".  After the break we will begin reading the story called "Jalapeno Bagels".  For English, we will start Unit 8 and be focusing on writing a description story which will include using our 5 senses and similes.

Once the students come back from Spring Break, we will also continue to work on our Science Fair experiments by getting the posters ready.  The Science Fair will be held on the morning of April 25th.

Congratulations to Ayane Kono for being this week's Student of the Week.  She takes great care in her work and is always prepared for class.  Keep up the quality work!

Student of the week

Dates to remember April 9-13
- Monday Spelling quiz (attend, support, common, offer, expert, harvest, survive, suppose, perform, escape)
- Monday is the Easter egg hunt
- Thursday Reading quiz on comprehension 

Don't forget about Earth Hour between 8:30-9:30 on Saturday night (3/31)

Sports day!

Painting "The Scream" 

3/30 Homework for spring break

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Spelling review for quiz, Reading WB Math WS on multiplication and division. Journal (1) What is your favorite song? Why? (2) I wish there were a law that said _____ because......

Here is the ANNIE's show website link:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

3/29 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math Review chapter 14-16 for test, Reading WB 226-230

Quarter 3 reports are being sent home with your child.

Wear green tomorrow (3/30)

We hope to see some of the parents at the assembly from 2:20-3:00 tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

3/28 Homework

Homework: Science review for chapter 13 quiz (magnets), Reading WB 222-225, Math worksheet on time.

This Friday is the Elementary assembly in the library from 2:20-3:00. Parents are welcome to come in to watch the second grade sing the 3R's song during the assembly.

*On Friday could all students wear green for the song.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Homework: Science study guide 39-41, Math sign quiz, Reading WB 217-220

* All second graders should wear RED tomorrow for race day

The musical Annie promises to be one of our best ever performances. Each HIS family will soon receive two free tickets. Tickets for other family members and friends will also be available from the office or at the theater door at the low cost of NT$100. This is a spectacular show! Please do not miss out on this opportunity to bring your friends and relatives along for an amazing HIS evening!

Monday, March 26, 2012

3/26 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math review for chapter 16 quiz, Spelling writing sentences for new words (attend, support, common, offer, expert, harvest, survive, suppose, perform, escape)

Practice the 3Rs song.

Friday, March 23, 2012

March 26-30

Another great week for the second grade class!

In Science, we have been learning and experimenting with Magnets. We
made our own compass in class and have been preparing for the Science
Fair which will take place on April 25th. Parents are welcome to come
in during the morning of this day to see all the experiments the students
have been working on, so please mark your calendar. I will provide
more information about the Fair as the day approaches.  Next week we
will research and make posters for the Science Fair.

On Friday (March 30th), the second grade class will sing a song called
"the 3Rs" by Jack Johnson to the school during the monthly assembly.
This will kick off April's word of the month "Conservation". The
second grade class will also decorate the bulletin board outside the
cafeteria to promote conservation awareness. Please make sure to stop
by and check out the finished product.

In Reading class, we read three biographies and researched information
on a famous person. I now know more about Jeremy Lin than ever before!
Next week we will read a story called "Brothers and Sisters". In Math
we finished the chapter on money and moved on to Time and Calender.
Next week we will have a quiz and unit 6 test.

Next Wednesday (3/28) will be the race day from 1:00pm - 2:00pm. 2nd grade is
to wear red and parents are welcome to watch the races and play a soccer game
after the races. 

This weeks student of the week is Mami Sugiura. She is always a class go-getter!
Keep it up.  
Mami Sugiura 

Dates of note for next week

Monday - Spelling test (rearrange, redo, untidy, unsure, uneven,
unlucky, unload, dislike, distrust)
Tuesday - Math quiz on Chapter 16 time and calendar
Wednesday - Races and Soccer game 1:00pm - 2:00pm (2nd grade wear red)
Thursday - Chapter 13 quiz on Magnets
Friday - Math Unit 6 Test on Money and Telling Time

Have a great week!

James Anderson

Music Scavenger Hunt

3/23 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Journal "Describe your favorite hobby", Math WB 16.7, Spelling review for quiz, Practice 3Rs song.

Secondary Musical 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

3/22 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Reading WB 212-216, Math WB 16.5-16.6.
Please practice the 3Rs song by Jack Johnson.

Information for drawing 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

3/21 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 16.3-16.4, Reading WB 208-211

To sign up or find more information on the Summer School Program please visit the office. Students are bound to reach new horizons!

Summer School Information

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

3/20 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 16.1-16.2, Reading WB 203-206

Thank you to those to who brought the pottery money in. If you haven't and plan to participate in this please do so soon so I may get a head count.

Monday, March 19, 2012

3/19 Homework

Homework: Spelling write sentences for new words (rearrange, redo, rebuild, untidy, unsure, uneven, unlucky, unload, dislike, distrust), Reading WB pages 197-202, Math Multiplication WorkSheet

Friday, March 16, 2012

3/16 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Spelling review words for quiz, Math WB 15.8 review for chapter 15 quiz, Journal "What excites you and why?"

March 19-23

It was great to see so many students dress up for the Spirit Week! The races and soccer game have been postponed until March 28 and hopefully the weather will cooperate this time. 

It has been a busy week for us.  In Math, we continue to learn about money and next week we will start a new chapter on time and the calendar.  In Reading class we read and compared two stories - "Little Grunt and the Big Egg" and "Mighty Dinosaurs".  Next week we will be reading three biographies (Ellen Ochoa, Theodore Roosevelt and Wima Rudoph) in our reading book. 

In Science we have been preparing for the Science Fair by finishing the solar vehicles and making and painting volcanoes which will erupt during the Science Fair.  Next week we will start Chapter 13 on Magnets.  In this chapter, we will carry out experiments including making compasses.  In English, we finished the chapter on adjectives and will start a chapter on writing instructions next week.  There are a lot of exciting things going on in class and the students are being responsible and cooperative during all of this.   

Monday 3/19 is the Music Scavenger Hunt. Parents are welcome to come in and watch the students between 1:00-3:00. 

Congratulations to Richard Tsai for being this week's Student of the Week.  Richard is a reading leader in the class both in reading questions and in pair reading. Keep it up!

Student of the Week

March 19-23
Monday Spelling quiz (village, cottage, bridge, strange, chance, twice, glance, damage, since, cabbage)
Monday Math quiz on Chapter 15 Money
Monday Music Scavenger Hunt 1:00-3:00
Thursday handwriting quiz

Have a great weekend.

James Anderson

Building a solar powered windmill

It works!

Building a solar powered plane.
It works!

How does this work?
Building a light

Building a solar car

How does it do that?




Nice hair!

Nice hat!

What characters 


2nd Grade

Show me the clay

Building an island

start with the volcano 
Then paint



Painting the volcano