Friday, March 2, 2012

March 5-9

Good day to all those following the second grade class via blog.

This was a short but busy week here for the second grade. In Math we
started a lesson on division and students are off and running with
this concept. Next Tuesday we will be having a quiz on multiplying
and dividing. We will also be starting Chapter 14 where we will be
learning how to count money which includes counting coins. In English
we continued to practice using adjectives and in Reading we read a
story called "The Great Ball Game". Next week we will continue
learning about these concepts. In Science we finished our Unit on
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle and will continue to learn about ways we can
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle both at home and at school. Next week we
will start a new Social Studies chapter which compares life long ago
to today's life and will also include a focus on maps.

This weeks student of the week is Adrien Chabanne. Adrien has quickly
gotten up to speed with the pace of the second grade class and is
always respectful towards teachers and other students.
Student of the Week

HIS Sweatshirts are available in the secondary office for 600NT -
please stop by if you would like to try out the sizes for you or your

School Races will be held on March 14
pre-K - 3 from 1:00 - 2:00 - sprints and activities at the middle of the track
Grades 4 - 6 from 2:00 - 3:00 - sprints - relay and soccer game VS teachers

Spirit Week March 12-16 More information will be coming on this.
Monday - Twins Day
Tuesday - Zombie Day
Wednesday - Rainbow Day
Thursday - Character / Celebrity Day
Friday - Dress in Green

Next week days to remember.
Monday Spelling quiz; attach, public, sink, jacket, ache, blank,
topic, struck, mistake, squirrel
Tuesday Reading quiz on comprehension, map skills and vocabulary
Tuesday Math quiz on chapter 19 multiplying and dividing

Have a great week!

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