Friday, March 16, 2012

March 19-23

It was great to see so many students dress up for the Spirit Week! The races and soccer game have been postponed until March 28 and hopefully the weather will cooperate this time. 

It has been a busy week for us.  In Math, we continue to learn about money and next week we will start a new chapter on time and the calendar.  In Reading class we read and compared two stories - "Little Grunt and the Big Egg" and "Mighty Dinosaurs".  Next week we will be reading three biographies (Ellen Ochoa, Theodore Roosevelt and Wima Rudoph) in our reading book. 

In Science we have been preparing for the Science Fair by finishing the solar vehicles and making and painting volcanoes which will erupt during the Science Fair.  Next week we will start Chapter 13 on Magnets.  In this chapter, we will carry out experiments including making compasses.  In English, we finished the chapter on adjectives and will start a chapter on writing instructions next week.  There are a lot of exciting things going on in class and the students are being responsible and cooperative during all of this.   

Monday 3/19 is the Music Scavenger Hunt. Parents are welcome to come in and watch the students between 1:00-3:00. 

Congratulations to Richard Tsai for being this week's Student of the Week.  Richard is a reading leader in the class both in reading questions and in pair reading. Keep it up!

Student of the Week

March 19-23
Monday Spelling quiz (village, cottage, bridge, strange, chance, twice, glance, damage, since, cabbage)
Monday Math quiz on Chapter 15 Money
Monday Music Scavenger Hunt 1:00-3:00
Thursday handwriting quiz

Have a great weekend.

James Anderson

Building a solar powered windmill

It works!

Building a solar powered plane.
It works!

How does this work?
Building a light

Building a solar car

How does it do that?




Nice hair!

Nice hat!

What characters 


2nd Grade

Show me the clay

Building an island

start with the volcano 
Then paint



Painting the volcano 

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