Thursday, January 10, 2013

1/10 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math WB 9.4,
Reading Comprehension WB "Superhero Joey"

Reading Strategies For Children: 

Here are 5 reading strategies for children that can help children become better readers. 

Visualize: Have children imagine or draw what a character looks like. Have them verbally explain what a setting looks like. Many students think visually while others have difficulty, so this can be helpful for both types of learners. 

Summarize: Having them retell the text challenges their retention. Summarization allows students to differentiate between the main thoughts and the minor details. After finishing a chapter or section, have them retell what they just read and then write down a brief summarization. 

Predict: Have them predict what they think will happen next. Ask why. This helps encourage active reading and helps them stay engaged with the text. This can also help signal a misunderstanding of the text that needs revisiting. 

Ask Questions: Have children come up with questions about the text, steer them away from the questions about minor details and have them focus on questions about the meaning or morals. This helps nurture active learning. 

Find Connections: Have them relate a character in the text to themselves or someone else they know. Have them connect different similarities and direct opposites. This will help them understand the text from a new perspective and encourages deeper thought. 

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