Friday, January 25, 2013

Jan. 28 - Feb 1

Good day once again to all followers of the 2nd grade class. We had a
pleasant week in the class. As Semester 1 draws to a
close we have been completing our units of study.

On Friday, February 1st we will start semester 2. Next Thursday we
will do a few activities to say goodbye to 2 students who are leaving after
Semester I. If your child would like to bring in a small snack to
share, they are more than welcome to do so as we will be writing
departing cards For Phillip and Jin. You both will be missed!  On
Friday we will be introducing Bill, a new student to the class.

In Math class this week we have learned and practiced addition with
numbers up to one hundred. Next week we will look at different ways to
add numbers up to one hundred.

For English class we have been continuing our study on Verbs and the
students have finished publishing their stories.

In Social Studies we completed our unit of study on People Long Ago.
There were many new vocabulary words and concepts in which the
students did very well with.

For Science we started a unit called Rocks, Soils and Fossils following
a field trip where we collected rocks to study and classify.

In Reading, we read our final set of stories in the reading book and
next week we will be working on completing the Reading Practice Book
before the end of the semester.

Congratulations to Abigail for being this week's Student of the Week.
She is enthusiastic in her approach to learning and always tries her

* Please return the second semester club list as soon as you can as some of the clubs fill up quickly. 

Dates to remember January 28th to February 1st
Monday Spelling quiz
Wednesday Math chapter 11 quiz
Thursday we will have a small party to say goodbye to students who are leaving
Thursday Math Unit 4 test
Friday Semester 2 begins

Reading Buddies 5th and 2nd Grade

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