Wednesday, February 27, 2013

March 4-8

What a wonderful week we had celebrating different countries during
International Week.  Great job to all the students on their hard work
they put into their presentations.  Thank you to the parents who were
able to come and show support.  I received many positive comments on
how well they did!

Next week we will be back in full swing of classes.

We will start Science Chapter 10 "Comparing Matter" where we will
explore solids, liquids, gasses, volume and mass.

In Math class, we will review and conduct a test on Unit 5.  We will
also start a new chapter - Chapter 14 Counting Money.  We will use
American money but the lesson can relate to any currencies that use

In English we will complete Unit 8 and on Thursday we will have a quiz on Verbs.

For Reading Class we will read a non-fiction story on Ants.

The Student of the Week is Keiji Tung.  He has been a leader in class
especially during the presentations.  Keep up the great work!

March 3 - 7
Monday: Spelling Quiz (cabin, cover, visit, finish, salad, exact,
talent, limit, punish, habit; Bonus Words; Germany, Berlin,
sauerkraut, sausages, pretzels)
Wednesday: Math Unit 5 Test
Thursday: English Quiz on Verbs

Mrs. Faye would like me to remind the parents of the Music Treasure
Hunt on March 18th: material on Theory and links for the
History/Listening Part and be found on her blog below.

Please enjoy all the pictures below and have a great long weekend.

International Week Festivities