Friday, February 8, 2013

February 18-22

Happy Chinese New Year!

This week we have been preparing for the International Week to be held
on the 26th and 27th of February.  Please see below for the schedule
of second grade presentation as well as other classes' presentations
that we will be attending.  Parents are welcome to come in and join
any or all of the class presentations.

If any parents would like to come into the class and share something
about their home country on the afternoon of Monday 25th February
during the Internationtal Week, you are more than welcome to do so.
Please email or come in and see me with your ideas and tell me about
how long it will take to complete. Ideas could include reading a
children's book about your country, making and sharing special (but
simple) foods from your country.  All ideas are welcome.

Over the Chinese New Year I've asked the students to practice for
their Germany Presentation so we are fully prepared for the upcoming
International Week.

This week in Reading class, we read "Officer Buckle and Gloria" and
answered comprehension questons about the story. The week after
Chinese New Year we will read a fiction story called "Ants."

In Math, we have been focusing on Chapter 12 Subtracting Two-Digit
Numbers.  After CNY we will have a quiz on this and start Chapter 13 -
Using Two-Digit Subtraction.

This week in Science we concluded our Science Unit on Rocks, Soil and
Fossils.  After CNY we will focus on International Week when we will
continued with the study on Germany.

For English we have been working on Verbs and will continue with that
after the break.

The Student of the Week this week is Bill.  In Bill's first week he
has quickly learned the class routines and has become a responsible
leader in the class. Keep it up!
Bill Chen

Dates to Remember February 18-22
Monday: Spelling Quiz (pilot, female, silent, human, chosen, reason,
spider, fever, frozen, stolen. Bonus Words: employee, spy, bold,
apologize, scissors)
Tuesday Chapter 12 Regrouping with Subtraction Quiz

Have a great Chinese New Year and Don't forget about Valentines Day on 2/14!

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