Friday, February 22, 2013

February 25-28

Willkommen in Deutschland! (Welcome to Germany)

This week the students have been busy getting ready for the
International Week. We have been learning about Germany and Mrs. Welz
has even taught some German words to the students. Feel free to ask
your child what words they have learned.

Please see the International Week Schedule below. Parents are welcome
to come in and watch one or more of the student presentations. On the
schedule, "1-2" means that first grade will come to the second grade
class and listen to the second grade's presentations. "2-5" means the
second grade will go to the fifth grade to listen they their class'

In Math this week we worked on different ways of subtraction. We'll
continue with this next week.

For English, we worked on Unit 8 -Verbs. We will continue with this next week.

Congratulations to Ayden Smith for being this week's Student of the
Week. All the students have been working hard on their presentations,
however Ayden has put in extra effort and is able to count to 10 in
German. Well done!

February 25-28
Monday - Making German Pretzels
Tuesday - First day of presentations (see schedule below)
Wednesday - Second day of presentations (see schedule below)
Thursday and Friday - No School

Looking forward to seeing you next week

Class Presentations on Germany

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