Friday, March 29, 2013

April 8-12

The second grade class had a happy and busy week with science experiments, recording our voices and the Easter egg hunt.

This week in English we completed presenting our instructions. Please enjoy listening to them on my blog. Simply click on the Photobabbly you'd like to listen to and click play. Perhaps you will learn something new. After the break, we will start Unit 7, Adjectives.

 For Math this week we completed the chapter on spending money and started chapter 16, Time and Calendar. We will continue with this after we return from the break.

 In Science we have been conducting science experiments and preparing for the Science Fair.

 In Social Studies next week we will continue with Unit 6, People in the Marketplace, where we will look at producers and consumers.

For Reading this week we read the biographies of 3 people. Next week we will start unit 6 about families and read a story titled, Brothers and Sisters.

 I have sent the Pre-Conference Forms home with the students today. Please fill them out and return them by 4/8 so specific aspects of the child may be discussed at the meetings. Thank you.

 Congratulations to Shunta Toyama for being this week's Student of the Week. Shunta has been a good leader in class and listens very well to instructions. Well done!

 April 8-12
Monday - Spelling quiz (capture, reward, divide famous, narrow, corner, bacon, minutes, fancy, wagon. Bonus Words: tangled, necklace, humor, vegetable, napkins)
Wednesday - Reading vocabulary quiz
Tuesday/Wednesday - Parent/Teacher meetings. Please return your Pre-Conference Form on Monday 4/8 

Have a wonderful spring break and see you on April 8.

Volunteer out loud reading during story corner

Easter Egg Hunting

3/29 homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math WB 16.4,
Spelling Review for quiz,
Reading Journal "Describe your best day ever. Use lots of details",
Reading Comprehension "Peanut Butter Brownies",

Thursday, March 28, 2013

3/28 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,

Math WB 16.2-16.3,
Reading WB pages 299-302,

Practice telling time on the website below.

Easter Egg Hunt at 12:00 tomorrow and School Assembly at 2:20.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

3/27 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math WB 16.2,
Reading Comprehension WB "The Fish Tank",
English Practice Reading your instructions out aloud,

Correction to last week's blog entry: The Easter egg will be on Friday at 12:00 and the Assembly at 2:20

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

3/26 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math WB 16.1,
Music Start practicing your lines for Snow White,
Reading WB5 pages 295-298,
English Practice reading your instructions out loud,

3/25 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Spelling Write sentences for new words: capture, reward, divide  famous, narrow, corner, bacon, minutes, fancy, wagon. Bonus Words, tangled, necklace, humor, vegetable, napkins.
Reading Comprehension WB "A Dozen Donuts",

jamesanderson.his's Fotobabble

jamesanderson.his's Fotobabble

Monday, March 25, 2013

Instructions for English assignment

1) First go to Compfight and search for a picture.

2) Right click on the picture and select copy URL.

3) Open up your word document where you saved the first picture for your instructions (in the shared drive).

4) Right click and Paste the URL into the word document.

5) Let me know when  you're finished or have a problem

Friday, March 22, 2013

March 25-29

The 2nd Grade is full of Enthusiasm!

This week the 2nd graders were very enthusiastic, especially about the music scavenger hunt. Please enjoy the pictures of that below.   

On 1st of May, the first, second and third grade will take an all-day field trip to Flying Cow Ranch. Here is the website:  We are planning two DIY activities, including making ice cream and painting.  More information on this to come. 

In Reading class we read a non-fiction and fiction story about dinosaurs.  Next week we will read and discuss three biographies. These are biographies of Ellen Ochoa, Theodore Roosevelt and Wilma Rudolph. 

For Math class we have been working on Chapter 15 Counting Money. Next week we will shift gears and start Chapter 16, Time and Calendar. 

The Science Fair is fast approaching and preparations are well under way. The students have chosen 4 Science Projects and we have been preparing for them discussing the scientific questions, hypothesis, procedure, materials, results and prior knowledge. The students will present their projects on April 24th from 11:00 - 11:45. Parents are welcome to come in to observe these presentations.

In English class we have focused on writing instructions. I look forward to recording each student's work and posting it on my blog for all to enjoy. 

In Social Studies next week we will start Unit 6, People in the Marketplace, where we will look at producers and consumers. 

Congratulations to Taichi Nishiwaki for being this week's Student of the Week! Taichi is consistently thinking about what he should be doing in class to be responsible and cooperative with his classmates. Keep it up!

March 25-29
Monday - Spelling Quiz (ocean, depend, defend, become, relate, polite, belong, award, clever, delay. Bonus Words; hypothesis, procedure, materials, results, prior knowledge)
Monday - Math Quiz on Chapter 15
Wednesday - Reading Comprehension Quiz
Thursday - Easter Egg Hunt
Friday - School Assembly

3/22 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Journal "What is your favorite time of day and why?",
Spelling Review for quiz,
Math WB 15.8 and review for quiz,

Thursday, March 21, 2013

3/21 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math WB 15.7,
Reading Comprehension WB "The Alley Cat and the House Cat",

*Bring in glass jar with wide mouth for science experiment. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

3/20 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math WB 15.6,
Reading WB 292-294,

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

3/19 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math WB 15.5,
Reading Comprehension WB "Fun Facts About Presidents.",
Review for Science Quiz Chapter 10,

* Start bringing in things you need for your Science experiment.

Monday, March 18, 2013

3/18 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math WB 15.4,
Spelling Write sentences for new words; ocean, depend, defend, become, relate, polite, belong, award, clever, delay. Bonus Words; hypothesis, procedure, materials, results, prior knowledge

Friday, March 15, 2013

March 18-22

Happy Spirit Week! 

It was wonderful to see all the students dress up every day for Spirit Week.  We had a strong cheering section for the Race Day and some parents even came out to play in the soccer game.  Well done to all.  Please enjoy the pictures below of Spirit Week.

For Math this week we completed Chapter 14 Counting Money and started Chapter 15 Using Money.  To give the children some real life practice, next time you are at the store let your child pay and have them count the change to make sure they have gotten the correct amount in return.

In English class we have been writing instructions on a topic they are familiar with.  Next week we will continue with this process and when it comes time to publish the instructions I will record their voices and post it on my blog for you to listen to. 
For Science class this week we have been working on Chapter 10 Comparing Matter.  The students enjoyed the lesson on magnifying lenses.  We took a closer look at matter, drew it and had a partner guess what they have drawn.  Next week we will have a quiz on Chapter 10 and will continue with science experiments for the Science Fair to be held on April 24th. 

In Reading class we read a story called "The Great Ball Game."  Next week we will read "Little Grunt and the Big Egg."

Congratulations to Shin Naito for being this week's Student of the Week. Shin takes great personal care with his work and always asks if he is unsure of the answer. Well done!

March 18-22
Monday Music Scavenger hunt 1:10-2:50
Monday - Spelling Quiz (afraid, machine, secret, gather, asleep, pocket, bother, rather, reflect. Bonus words: nurse, miniature, nature, wedding, dissolves)
Wednesday year book photo day, please dress accordingly 
Wednesday - Science Chapter 10 quiz
Thursday - Reading Comprehension Quiz

On a personal note, I'm very excited that my parents will be coming to Taiwan next week. They will be staying for 2 weeks and I look forward to showing them around this wonderful island.

Have a great week! 

Crazy Hair Day

Beach Day

Fake an Injury Day

St. Patrick's Day

Race Day