Friday, March 15, 2013

March 18-22

Happy Spirit Week! 

It was wonderful to see all the students dress up every day for Spirit Week.  We had a strong cheering section for the Race Day and some parents even came out to play in the soccer game.  Well done to all.  Please enjoy the pictures below of Spirit Week.

For Math this week we completed Chapter 14 Counting Money and started Chapter 15 Using Money.  To give the children some real life practice, next time you are at the store let your child pay and have them count the change to make sure they have gotten the correct amount in return.

In English class we have been writing instructions on a topic they are familiar with.  Next week we will continue with this process and when it comes time to publish the instructions I will record their voices and post it on my blog for you to listen to. 
For Science class this week we have been working on Chapter 10 Comparing Matter.  The students enjoyed the lesson on magnifying lenses.  We took a closer look at matter, drew it and had a partner guess what they have drawn.  Next week we will have a quiz on Chapter 10 and will continue with science experiments for the Science Fair to be held on April 24th. 

In Reading class we read a story called "The Great Ball Game."  Next week we will read "Little Grunt and the Big Egg."

Congratulations to Shin Naito for being this week's Student of the Week. Shin takes great personal care with his work and always asks if he is unsure of the answer. Well done!

March 18-22
Monday Music Scavenger hunt 1:10-2:50
Monday - Spelling Quiz (afraid, machine, secret, gather, asleep, pocket, bother, rather, reflect. Bonus words: nurse, miniature, nature, wedding, dissolves)
Wednesday year book photo day, please dress accordingly 
Wednesday - Science Chapter 10 quiz
Thursday - Reading Comprehension Quiz

On a personal note, I'm very excited that my parents will be coming to Taiwan next week. They will be staying for 2 weeks and I look forward to showing them around this wonderful island.

Have a great week! 

Crazy Hair Day

Beach Day

Fake an Injury Day

St. Patrick's Day

Race Day

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