Friday, March 29, 2013

April 8-12

The second grade class had a happy and busy week with science experiments, recording our voices and the Easter egg hunt.

This week in English we completed presenting our instructions. Please enjoy listening to them on my blog. Simply click on the Photobabbly you'd like to listen to and click play. Perhaps you will learn something new. After the break, we will start Unit 7, Adjectives.

 For Math this week we completed the chapter on spending money and started chapter 16, Time and Calendar. We will continue with this after we return from the break.

 In Science we have been conducting science experiments and preparing for the Science Fair.

 In Social Studies next week we will continue with Unit 6, People in the Marketplace, where we will look at producers and consumers.

For Reading this week we read the biographies of 3 people. Next week we will start unit 6 about families and read a story titled, Brothers and Sisters.

 I have sent the Pre-Conference Forms home with the students today. Please fill them out and return them by 4/8 so specific aspects of the child may be discussed at the meetings. Thank you.

 Congratulations to Shunta Toyama for being this week's Student of the Week. Shunta has been a good leader in class and listens very well to instructions. Well done!

 April 8-12
Monday - Spelling quiz (capture, reward, divide famous, narrow, corner, bacon, minutes, fancy, wagon. Bonus Words: tangled, necklace, humor, vegetable, napkins)
Wednesday - Reading vocabulary quiz
Tuesday/Wednesday - Parent/Teacher meetings. Please return your Pre-Conference Form on Monday 4/8 

Have a wonderful spring break and see you on April 8.

Volunteer out loud reading during story corner

Easter Egg Hunting

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