Friday, March 8, 2013

March 11-15

Good day once again to all 2nd grade blog followers.

After a short week last week and with all the activities in International
Week we were back to all of our regular classes this week.  Next week
is Spirit Week - each day there will be something special for the
students to do or wear.  Please find the schedule below.  On Wednesday
which is race day, all second graders should wear the color blue.
Parents are welcome to come in between 1PM  and 2PM to watch the
running races.  They will take place on the track behind the school.

In Science this week we started a new chapter Comparing Matter.  We
experimented with measuring volume and mass.  Next week we will focus
on how objects look close up using a magnifying glass.

We have also started discussing the Science Fair which will be held on
April 24th.  We will choose 3 projects to present as a class.
However, if your child would like to do their own individual
experiment and presentation please let me know and I will get all the
required information.  If a student chooses to do their own Science
Experiment they will have to do most of the work at home.

For our Reading class we read the story, "Ants".  Next week we will read
and discuss a story about Lacrosse called, "The Great Ball Game."

In English we completed our unit of study on verbs.  Next week we will
start the next chapter which focuses on writing instructions.

For Math we have been counting money and looking at coins from around
the world.  We will be completing Chapter 13 next week and starting
the next chapter "Using Money."

Wilbur Wu is this week's Student of the Week. He has been trying 110%
this week. Keep it up!

March 11-15
Monday - Spelling Quiz; illness, painful, treatment, careless, fearful,
endless, beautiful, movement, useless, peaceful Bonus Words; clover,
purse, swallow, raisin, bloom
Wednesday - Handwriting quiz
Thursday - Math Quiz on Chapter 14

As always, please stop in or email me with any questions or concerns.

Have a good week.

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