Friday, April 12, 2013

April 15-19

Good day once again to all second grade blog followers. We had a very productive week this week. It was nice to speak with so many of you during the Parent Teacher Meetings. If you would like to follow up with anything that we discussed please stop by and see me or send an email. 

Next week we will have pottery day on Wednesday. Thank you for returning the payment slips so promptly. 

In Math this week we continued with Chapter 16 on "Time". Next week we will finish this chapter, take the Unit Test and start Chapter 19 "Division and Multiplication". We will return to complete chapters 17-18 after the Iowa tests. 

For Social Studies we have been learning about producers, consumers, goods, services, and the market place. Next week we will look at earning money, running a business and spending money. 

In Reading this week we read the story "Brothers and Sisters". Next we will read the story titled "Jalapeno Bagels".

For English we did a lot of practice with adjectives. 

In Science we have been getting our posters ready for the Science Fair. The Science Fair will be held on April 24th. The second graders will be presenting their experiments between 11:00-11:50 am. Parents are welcome to listen to the presentations. The fair will be held in the cafeteria/gym on B1. 

Information and payment slips have been sent home today for the field trip to take place on May 1st. Please return the completed form as soon as possible. 

Congratulations to Jessica Lin for being this week's Student of the Week. She was a good leader this week for her Science Project group and continues to always give 100% in class. Keep it up.

April 15-19
Monday Spelling Quiz; deliver, department, camera, yesterday, tomorrow, important, together, victory, remember, library. Bonus Words; golden, healthy, shiny, boots, noise
Monday Math Quiz Chapter 16
Wednesday Pottery Day
Wednesday Unit 7 Math test 

Have a great week. 

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