Friday, April 26, 2013

April 29 - May 1st

This week was highlighted by the Science Fair. The students enjoyed presenting their projects as well as looking at the other grade's experiments. Well done to all! Please enjoy the pictures below. 

In Math this week we have completed the chapter on Multiplication and Division. We will have a quiz on Monday. Next week we will also start Chapter 17, Length. 

In English this week we have finished Unit 8, Adjectives. Next week we will start the unit on Descriptive writing. 

In Social Studies we have been continuing with our unit of study, "People in the Marketplace". Next week we will look at trading and bartering. 

Wednesday is the field trip to Flying Cow Ranch.

- 8:30 - Buses will depart promptly. Please be at the school by 8.20am.
- Morning - walk around the complex participate in activities
- 11:45 Lunch
- 1:10 - 2:10 painting activity
- 2:10 - 2:40 making ice cream
- 3:00 Buses will depart
Back to the school by 4:10

heavy rain plan - the office will send a group email to teachers and parents by 7 pm on April 30th - teachers will post information on their blogs - rain date May 8

Students will need to bring an umbrella, water bottle, appropriate clothes for walking around a ranch. 

Optional things to bring are - balls/frisbee for lunch recess, snack, hat and sun screen. 

The school will provide a lunch for those children who normally eat the school lunch. If your child normally brings a lunch into school they will also need to bring their lunch on the field trip.

Congratulations to Shin Naito for being this weeks student of the week. Shin is an agreeable  classmate and always works to solve problems. Keep it up!

This month the annual government Outstanding Student Awards were given to one child from each of our elementary school classes. Students are selected by their schools based on several criteria including character, extra-curricular involvement and academics. Well done Taichi!

April 29- May 3
Monday Spelling quiz: knight, castle, kneel, climb, wrinkle, handsome, answer, calf, knit, thumb. Bonus Words: occupation, income, raw materials, scarce, barter
Monday Math Quiz on Chapter 19
Monday Taichi birthday party!
Wednesday Field trip
Thursday and Friday Mid-Semester Break, no school 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Science Fair Experiments 

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