Tuesday, April 30, 2013

4/30 Homework

Homework: Not due until May 6th.
Read for 20 minutes,
Journal, choose an entry and draw a picture,
Spelling Review for quiz,
Reading Comprehension WB "The New Kid",
Math WB 17.1 (Do what you are able to do. Don't worry if you don't have paper clips or blocks, you can measure it with something you do have like crayons or sticky notes)

Wednesday is the field trip to Flying Cow Ranch. http://www.flyingcow.com.tw/

- 8:30 - Buses will depart promptly. Please be at the school by 8.20am. Unless you get an email by 7:00pm on 4/30 canceling it (highly unlikely it will get canceled) 
- Morning - walk around the complex participate in activities
- 11:45 Lunch
- 1:10 - 2:10 painting activity
- 2:10 - 2:40 making ice cream
- 3:00 Buses will depart
Back to the school by 4:10

Students will need to bring an umbrella/raincoat, backpack, pencil, water bottle, appropriate clothes for walking around a ranch. 

Optional things to bring are snack, camera, hat and sun screen. 

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