Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 6-10

Good day to all the second grade blog followers. We had a short but lovely week here in the second grade which was capped off by the field trip to Flying Cow Ranch. 

Next week will be back to our regular classes and schedule. 

In Math we will continue with chapter 17, Length. 

Next week in Social Studies we will finish our unit of study on People in the Market Place and take a quiz on Thursday. 

Next week we will read a wonderful story titled, "Thunder Cake" and talk about the meaning of the story. 

In Science next week we will start Chapter 12, Making Sound. This chapter of study will go very nicely with the music class's production of Stomp. 

Some upcoming dates to keep in mind are as follows:
May 13-17 Iowa testing. I will post a schedule of this next week. No homework will be given this week so the students may be well rested.
May 29 Art Exhibition
May 31 School Assembly

Congratulations to Moe for being this week's Student of the Week. She has settled nicely into the class and is continuing to be brave when speaking in the class. Keep it up! 

May 6-10
Monday Spelling quiz; health, blood, type, against, receive, flood, guess, guide, wealth, guilt, Bonus Words; patriotic, shelter, Arbor Day, plain, continent.
Thursday Social Studies Quiz on Unit 6

Have a wonderful long weekend.

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