Friday, May 31, 2013

June 3-7

Good day blog followers.

Congratulations to all the students for producing such wonderful art
work. The display looked really nice. The children will be
taking home all their art before the end of the year so if you
were not able to come in to see it you will be able to enjoy it at

Next week will be the presentation of the musical Matilda. If you have
not returned your request form for tickets please do so as soon as
possible. Regular homeroom classes will take place next week, but we
will not have specialty classes on Tuesday and Wednesday.

In Math we will have a quiz on chapter 18 on Monday and start
chapter 20 Numbers Through 10,000. (Chapter 19 we already completed
prior to the Iowa tests)

For Social Studies we will have a unit of study focusing on Taiwan,
which will include famous people, buildings, landscapes and other
interesting facts about Taiwan.

In English we will review and take the Unit 9 quiz More
Capitalization and Punctuation.

For Science we will look at chapter 12 Objects in Motion.

In Reading class we will read two stories. The first one is "Moses
Goes to a Concert" and the second "The School Mural".

Congratulations to Bill Chen for being this week's Student of the
Week. Bill gives wonderful effort in class and works very well other
students. Keep it up!

June 3-7
Monday - Spelling Quiz (ruin, smock, powders, chalk, crayons, plays,
played, playing, player, playful. Bonus Words: quart, gallon,
milliliter, thermometer, temperature)
Monday - Math Quiz on Chapter 18
Wednesday - English Quiz on Unit 9
Thursday Evening - Performance of Matilda
Friday Evening - Performance of Matilda
* There will be no clubs from June 3-7.

Have a wonderful week and hope to see you at the Matilda performance.

Best Wishes,

James Anderson

 Art Show 2013

Observers from the teachers college during our Reading

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