Friday, May 24, 2013

May 27-31

Good day once more to all the Second Grade Blog followers. It's been a
busy week for the second grade class. This week we have been collecting all
of our Art we did during the school year as well as finishing up prior
art projects in preparation for the Art Show next Tuesday (5/28).
Parents are welcome to come to the library next Tuesday and enjoy all
the Artworks displayed in the library. You may come into school at
any time during the day however our class will be viewing the
art from 10:00 to 10:40 AM. If you would like to view it with your child
please come in during that time. 
We have also been busy with our core subjects this week. In Math we
completed the unit of study on length and started the next chapter on
Weight, Capacity and Temperature. The students really enjoyed
measuring, combining, pouring and spilling water to better understand
the unit of measurement.

For English we have been continuing the unit of study on
Capitalization and Punctuation.

In Science we continued learning about sound. Next week we will
complete this chapter, take a quiz and start a Social Studies unit
where we focus on Taiwan.

This week in Reading we read a chapter story and looked at the
problem and solution of each chapter as well as how the chapters work
together to make a book. Next week we will read the story "The Art

Congratulations to Maria Takahara for being this week's Student of the
Week. Maria is new to our class and has make a wonderful effort to
understand the routines of the class and make friends quickly.
Congratulations to her and all the other students who made her feel so

May 28-31
Monday: No School for students
Tuesday: Spelling quiz: tail, tale, plane, sail, sale, hole, whole,
threw, through. Bonus Words: vibrate, pitch, sound wave, echo,
Tuesday: Art Show Second grade viewing 10:00-10:40 AM
Wednesday: Reading Comprehension Quiz
Thursday: Science quiz on Chapter 11, Making Sound.

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