Friday, May 31, 2013

June 3-7

Good day blog followers.

Congratulations to all the students for producing such wonderful art
work. The display looked really nice. The children will be
taking home all their art before the end of the year so if you
were not able to come in to see it you will be able to enjoy it at

Next week will be the presentation of the musical Matilda. If you have
not returned your request form for tickets please do so as soon as
possible. Regular homeroom classes will take place next week, but we
will not have specialty classes on Tuesday and Wednesday.

In Math we will have a quiz on chapter 18 on Monday and start
chapter 20 Numbers Through 10,000. (Chapter 19 we already completed
prior to the Iowa tests)

For Social Studies we will have a unit of study focusing on Taiwan,
which will include famous people, buildings, landscapes and other
interesting facts about Taiwan.

In English we will review and take the Unit 9 quiz More
Capitalization and Punctuation.

For Science we will look at chapter 12 Objects in Motion.

In Reading class we will read two stories. The first one is "Moses
Goes to a Concert" and the second "The School Mural".

Congratulations to Bill Chen for being this week's Student of the
Week. Bill gives wonderful effort in class and works very well other
students. Keep it up!

June 3-7
Monday - Spelling Quiz (ruin, smock, powders, chalk, crayons, plays,
played, playing, player, playful. Bonus Words: quart, gallon,
milliliter, thermometer, temperature)
Monday - Math Quiz on Chapter 18
Wednesday - English Quiz on Unit 9
Thursday Evening - Performance of Matilda
Friday Evening - Performance of Matilda
* There will be no clubs from June 3-7.

Have a wonderful week and hope to see you at the Matilda performance.

Best Wishes,

James Anderson

 Art Show 2013

Observers from the teachers college during our Reading

May 31

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math WB 18.8 and review for quiz,
English Grammar WB 77-79,
Journal "If I were a _____, I would....."
Spelling Review for quiz,

Thursday, May 30, 2013

5/30 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math WB 18.6-18.7,
English Grammar WB 73-75,

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 29th Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Science Review for Sound quiz,
Math WB 18.4-18.5,
Comprehension WB "Cupcake Power"

* If you have not seen the art work and would still like to, they will be on display outside the library until this Friday.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

5/28 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Spelling Write Sentences for new words: ruin, smock, powders, chalk, crayons, plays, played, playing, player, playful. Bonus Words quart, gallon, milliliter, thermometer, temperature. 
Math WB 18.3 (Do what you can),
English Grammar WB 80 and 85,

Friday, May 24, 2013

May 27-31

Good day once more to all the Second Grade Blog followers. It's been a
busy week for the second grade class. This week we have been collecting all
of our Art we did during the school year as well as finishing up prior
art projects in preparation for the Art Show next Tuesday (5/28).
Parents are welcome to come to the library next Tuesday and enjoy all
the Artworks displayed in the library. You may come into school at
any time during the day however our class will be viewing the
art from 10:00 to 10:40 AM. If you would like to view it with your child
please come in during that time. 
We have also been busy with our core subjects this week. In Math we
completed the unit of study on length and started the next chapter on
Weight, Capacity and Temperature. The students really enjoyed
measuring, combining, pouring and spilling water to better understand
the unit of measurement.

For English we have been continuing the unit of study on
Capitalization and Punctuation.

In Science we continued learning about sound. Next week we will
complete this chapter, take a quiz and start a Social Studies unit
where we focus on Taiwan.

This week in Reading we read a chapter story and looked at the
problem and solution of each chapter as well as how the chapters work
together to make a book. Next week we will read the story "The Art

Congratulations to Maria Takahara for being this week's Student of the
Week. Maria is new to our class and has make a wonderful effort to
understand the routines of the class and make friends quickly.
Congratulations to her and all the other students who made her feel so

May 28-31
Monday: No School for students
Tuesday: Spelling quiz: tail, tale, plane, sail, sale, hole, whole,
threw, through. Bonus Words: vibrate, pitch, sound wave, echo,
Tuesday: Art Show Second grade viewing 10:00-10:40 AM
Wednesday: Reading Comprehension Quiz
Thursday: Science quiz on Chapter 11, Making Sound.

5/24 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Spelling Review for quiz,
Math WB 18.2 (Do what you can),
Journal "What makes you sad and why?"

Thursday, May 23, 2013

5/23 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
English Grammar WB 77-79,
Math WB 18.1 (Do what you can. If you don't have the measuring units just estimate.)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

5/22 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
English Grammar WB 75-76,
Reading Comprehension "Comparing",
Math Review for quiz,

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 21

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
English Grammar WB 73-74,
Reading Comprehension WB "Baseball Hats"

Monday, May 20, 2013

5/20 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math WB 17.8,
Spelling Write sentences for new words; tail, tale, plane, sail, sale, hole, whole, threw, through. Bonus Words; vibrate, pitch, sound wave, echo, frequency.

This years Matilda show promises to be a night to remember. Please return your ticket order form as soon as you know if you will be able to attend. Family friends are welcome too.

Friday, May 17, 2013

May 20-24

Good day to all second grade class blog followers. A big sigh of
relieve as we finished the Iowa tests today. First of all I would like
to say "well done" to all the students for trying their best.We will
have the results before the school year comes to a close.

Next week we will get back to the regular class routines.

In Math we will continue with Chapter 17 Length and finish that
chapter on Thursday by having a quiz. On Friday we will start chapter
18 Weight, Capacity and Temperature. We will practice using measuring
unit such as cups, pints, quarts and gallons.

For Science we will continue with Chapter 11 Making Sound. We will
look at how sound travels and learn about about pitch and volume. I
might be bringing in my ear plugs for these lessons.

In Reading class we will focus on chapter books and read The Cool
Crazy Crickets. If you would like your child to have a CD with all the
stories in the next theme on it please ask them to ask me for a copy
or write me a note asking to send a CD home with them.

For English we will continue with Unit 9 More Capitalization and Punctuation.

Congratulations to Shunta Toyama for being this week's Student of the
Week! Shunta is a cooperative student who works well with his
classmates. Keep up with the good attitude!

May 20-24
Monday - Spelling Quiz: says, guard, wonder, guest, gasoline, either,
magazine, style, guarantee, rhyme. Bonus Words: digestion, appearance,
sandpaper, thumbnail, toothpick
Wednesday - Handwriting Quiz
Thursday - Math Quiz on Chapter 19

Upcoming Dates to Keep in Mind:

May 22 Matilda at IBSH (student practice)

May 24 Graduation Kindergarten and 6th grade

May 27 PD day - no school for children

May 28 Art Exhibition (parents are welcome to come in and see all the
art work - more to come on this)

May 31 School Assembly

June 4 Matilda Rehearsal

June 5 Matilda Rehearsal

June 6 Matilda Show (evening time - more to come)

June 7 Matilda Show (evening time - more to come)

June 3-7 Clubs Cancelled

June 14 Last day of Semester 2 Clubs

June 16 Father’s Day

June 17 School Assembly

June 19 Last day of school (half day)

* Finally on a personal note, I'm proud to announce that my wife is four months pregnant, she is due on October 21st. We have recently found out the baby is going to be a boy. We are both very excited!

Have a wonderful week!

5/17 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math WB 17.6 - 17.7,
Spelling Review for quiz: says, guard, wonder, guest, gasoline, either, magazine, style, guarantee, rhyme. Bonus Words; digestion, appearance, sandpaper, thumbnail, toothpick
English Grammar WB 69-72,
Journal "Younger people are...."

Thursday, May 16, 2013

5/16 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Only one more day of Iowa testing. Almost there!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

5/15 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Be ready for Iowa tests.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

5/14 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Be ready for Iowa tests.

Monday, May 13, 2013

5/13 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Be ready for Iowa tests,

Friday, May 10, 2013

May 13-17

Happy Mother's Day! 

Mum's please enjoy your child's special Mother's Day Journal that they have been working so hard on. 

A Mother…
When you’re a child she walks before you,
To set an example.
When you’re a teenager she walks behind you
To be there should you need her.
When you’re an adult she walks beside you
So that as two friends you can enjoy life together..
(Author Unknown)

Next week we will be taking one part of the Iowa test each day. Please find the Iowa testing schedule below. No additional tests or homework will be given next week during the Test. Please help to ensure your child gets plenty of rest next week and a proper amount of food. 

We will also be having our regular classes next week. 

In Science, we will continue with Chapter 11 - Making Sound. 

For English, we will be working on Unit 9 - More Capitalization and Punctuation. 

In Reading class we will read and compare two stories "A Curve in the River" and "Slippery Siblings". 

For Math we will continuing with chapter 17 - Length. 

Congratulations to Taichi Nishiwaki for being the Student of the Week! Taichi is a class leader in solving problems and always gives 100% during his work. Keep it up! 

The second grade would also like to welcome Maria Takahara to the class. The students have been making her feel right at home. 

May 10, Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math WB 17.6,
Journal "Describe your favorite hobby",
Reading Comprehension WB "A Day at the Amusement Park",

* Be ready for Iowa testing next week. (no homework or other tests will be given)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

5/8 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math WB 17.4,
Reading WB5 pages 299-305,
Social Studies Review for quiz,

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

5/7 Homework

Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math WB 17.3,
Reading Comprehension WB "The Playground"

Monday, May 6, 2013

5/6 Homework

Homework; Read for 20 minutes,
Math WB 17.2,
Spelling Write sentences for new words; says, guard, wonder, guest, gasoline, either, magazine, style, guarantee, rhyme. Bonus Words; digestion, appearance, sandpaper, thumbnail, toothpick

May 13-17

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 6-10

Good day to all the second grade blog followers. We had a short but lovely week here in the second grade which was capped off by the field trip to Flying Cow Ranch. 

Next week will be back to our regular classes and schedule. 

In Math we will continue with chapter 17, Length. 

Next week in Social Studies we will finish our unit of study on People in the Market Place and take a quiz on Thursday. 

Next week we will read a wonderful story titled, "Thunder Cake" and talk about the meaning of the story. 

In Science next week we will start Chapter 12, Making Sound. This chapter of study will go very nicely with the music class's production of Stomp. 

Some upcoming dates to keep in mind are as follows:
May 13-17 Iowa testing. I will post a schedule of this next week. No homework will be given this week so the students may be well rested.
May 29 Art Exhibition
May 31 School Assembly

Congratulations to Moe for being this week's Student of the Week. She has settled nicely into the class and is continuing to be brave when speaking in the class. Keep it up! 

May 6-10
Monday Spelling quiz; health, blood, type, against, receive, flood, guess, guide, wealth, guilt, Bonus Words; patriotic, shelter, Arbor Day, plain, continent.
Thursday Social Studies Quiz on Unit 6

Have a wonderful long weekend.