Monday, September 30, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 3.3,
Spelling Write sentences for new words(the start of third grade sight words); about, better, bring, carry, clean, cut, done, draw, drink, eight. Bonus Words; government, judge, tax, president, elections.

Students of the Week for September

Friday, September 27, 2013

September 23 - October 4

It seems that all the students had a nice four-day weekend and everyone was ready to come back for a full week of school this week. I would like to thank the parents for signing the homework books and tests each day.

In Math this week we completed Chapter 2, Addition Strategies and have started Chapter 3, Subtraction Strategies. Students should have brought home all the Chapter 2 worksheets and returned the signed test to the class.

For English this week we continued working on Unit, 1 The Sentence. Next week we will complete this unit, take a quiz and then start Unit 2, Writing a Personal Narrative.

In Reading this week we read two stories about hippos (non-fiction and fiction) and compared the two. Next week we will focus on Poetry, reading different types of poems and practicing writing our own poems.

In Social Studies we continued with Unit 1, Governing the People. This included a writing project where students imagined they were the president of their own country and they had to think of laws and consequences for their citizens to follow. Some of the responses were funny and creative. Next week we will continue with this unit.

In Science next week we will start Chapter 2, Animals are Living Things.

Congratulations to Hyeon Jeon for being this week's Student of the Week! Hyeon is new to this school this year and has made big improvements in his readiness for class and understanding of classroom routines. Keep up the hard work, Hyeon!

Dates to remember September 30 - October 4:

Monday: Spelling quiz (use, very, wash, which, why, wish, work,would, write, your.
Bonus Words: community, citizens, responsibility, law, consequence

Tuesday: English Quiz on Unit 1, The Sentence

Thursday: Reading Quiz (general comprehension and vocabulary)

Future Dates to remember:

October 7-11 Awareness Week

October 10 Double 10 holiday

October 25 Monthly Assembly

October 31 Fancy Dress Day (Halloween)

Nov 1 Mid-Semester break

Nov 5-6 Parent/Teacher Evenings

Nov 13 Fun Day

Nov 28 American Thanksgiving/Lunch

Nov 29 Monthly Assembly


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 3.2,
Reading - Journal "What is your least favorite subject in school?",
Spelling Review for quiz,
Reading Workbook 1 (76-78) fact and opinion,

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 3.1,
Reading Workbook 1 - 72-75

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Review for chapter 2 quiz,
Reading Comprehension WB "The Twins",
English Grammar 10-11,

Social Studies - Finish or add on to the laws and consequence that you would make for your own country.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 2.8,
English Grammar 5-9,

Monday, September 23, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 2.7,
Spelling Write sentences for new words: use, very, wash, which, why, wish, work, would, write, your. Bonus Words: community, citizens, responsibility, law, consequence.
Science Sign test and return,

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

September 16-27

A short but sweet week here in the second grade.

In Science the students enjoyed dissecting fruit to find how many
seeds were in each piece. Then we made a graph to show our results. We
also finished Chapter 1 in Science and took the quiz. Next week in
Social Studies we will start Unit 1, Governing the People.

This week in Math we continued with Chapter 2, Addition Strategies and
next week we will complete this chapter and start Chapter 3,
Subtraction Strategies.

In Reading next week we will read a non-fiction and fiction story
about hippos and compare the two. The stories are titled "George and
Martha, The Surprise" and "Hippos".

In English we will continue will Unit 1, The Sentence.

The Student of the Week this week is Kristopher Yeh. When Kristopher
is uncertain about a question or assignment, he always asks to make 
sure he is doing it correctly. Keep it up!

Dates to Remember September 23-27.

Monday Spelling Quiz: read, right, sing, sit, sleep, tell, their,
these, those, upon. Bonus Words; fibrous root, life cycle, cone,
commotion, delivered.

Thursday Math Quiz Chapter 2

Friday Monthly Assembly at 2:20 in the library.

2nd grade 2013/14 class

Silly time


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 2.6,
Spelling Review for quiz,
Journal Entry #4,
Reading comprehension WB "Chicago",

* Have a great long Moon Festival Weekend.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 2.5,
Science Review Workbook for chapter 1 quiz.

Music Bring in homework by Tuesday 9/23 if you have not completed it.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 2.4,
Spelling Write sentences for words; read, right, sing, sit, sleep, tell, their, these, those, upon. Bonus Words; fibrous root, life cycle, cone, commotion, delivered.

*Practice tying your shoe.

Friday, September 13, 2013

September 9-18

Hello to all second grade blog followers. We had a week of wonderful
growth and learning! The students have enjoyed watering and watching
their plants grow and have been growing their knowledge in class.

In Reading this week we read a class favorite "Mrs. Brown Went to
Town" and answered related questions in our Reading Practice Book.
Next week is the long Moon Festival Weekend and we will not read a
story from the reading book but will continue with the Reading
Practice Book.

In Math we took our first quiz on Chapter 1. Just a reminder that when
tests get sent home they are to be signed by a parent and then brought
back to school. Thank you for helping your child with this. We also
started Chapter 2 Addition Strategies. Next week we will continue with
this chapter.

In Science we continued learning about plants. We took a small field
trip around campus collecting leaves, drawing them and then grouping
them. The students' plants are growing fast and they enjoy watching
this growth and watering them each day. Next week we will complete
this chapter and take a quiz.

In Handwriting this week we practice the letters "ng". I was impressed
by the handsome handwriting that the students were able to do.

In English this week we continued with Unit 1 The Sentence. Next week
we will continue with this unit.

Every Thursday we do the Reading Buddies activity with the 5th grade
class. This is a time for the second graders to have a mentor and
practice their reading, vocabulary and comprehension with an older
student. Please enjoy the pictures of this below.

The Student of the Week is Jungwon Yoo. Jungwon continues to be an
outstanding listener and follows directions the first time they are
given. Keep up the good work!

Days to remember September 16-18.

Monday - Spelling quiz: don't, first, five, found, gave, goes, green,
made, many, pull. Bonus Words: crumbs, slurped, imitation, spread,

Wednesday - Science Quiz on Chapter 1 Plants are Living Things

Thursday and Friday - no school

Best Wishes,

James Anderson


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 2.3,
Spelling Review for quiz,
Journal Entry #3 "What is your favorite game? (Describe it, tell why you like it, who you play with, etc)

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 2.2,
English Grammar Workbook 3-4,

See you tonight!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Homework: Reading for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 2.1,
Reading Comprehension WB "Two Great Vacation Ideas",

Thursday at 6:30pm is the parent introduction evening in the library.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Homework, Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook pages 93 and 94 (review for quiz),
Reading Comprehension WB "Cheetahs",
Reading Homework Book 1 pages 70-71,

Happy Birthday Winston!

Monday, September 9, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 1.7,
Spelling Write sentences for new words: don't, first, five, found, gave, goes, green, made, many, pull. Bonus Words crumbs, slurped, imitation, spread, noise.

Friday, September 6, 2013

September 2-13

It was a wonderful week for the second grade class. Everyone is well accustomed to the class routine and the class is up and running now. Great job everyone for their effort to keep the class routines at heart! Thank you parents for preparing healthy snacks, signing the homework book each day and for ensuring the students brought in all the correct school supplies. 

In Math class we continued with chapter 1 Understanding Addition. Next week we will complete this chapter, take a quiz and start chapter 2 Addition Strategies. 

In Science this week we started Chapter 1 Plants are Living Things. We collected seeds from around the school and from home. The students chose what seeds they wanted to plant and are now watering and waiting for them to sprout. Next week we will continue with this chapter. 

For Reading class this week, we read a fiction story about a pig called Julius. We also talked about events that could only happen in stories versus events that could happen in reality. Next week we will read a story called Mrs. Brown Went to Town. 

In English this week we started Unit 1, The Sentence. Next week we will continue with this chapter. 

The Student of the Week this week is Shido Tamamoto. Shido sets a wonderful example of helping other students, following the instructions and always giving his best effort. Keep up the good work!

Dates to remember September 9-13

Monday - Spelling Quiz (always, around, because, been, before, best, both, buy, cold, does)  Bonus words: taproot, seedling, shelter, nutrient, flower.

Wednesday - Math Quiz on Chapter 1 Understanding Addition. 

Thursday - Parent Introduction Evening. Please first meet at 6:30 in the library in the 5th floor. We will then move to the second grade classroom for class introduction. I'll share some information about the class, curriculum, homework and various policies.  I look forward to meeting some more parents!

Best Wishes,
James Anderson


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Review for Spelling Quiz on Monday: always, around, because, been, before, best, both, buy, cold, does Bonus words: taproot, seedling, shelter, nutrient, flower,
Journal - What do you want to learn about in the second grade?,
Math Workbook 1.6,

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 1.5,

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 1.4,
English Grammar Workbook 1-2,

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Math Workbook 1.3,
Reading Comprehension Workbook "Killer Whales",
Science Bring in any seeds you can find in or around your house,

Monday, September 2, 2013


Homework: Read for 20 minutes,
Spelling Words - Please write sentences for new words: always, around, because, been, before, best, both, buy, cold, does Bonus words: taproot, seedling, shelter, nutrient, flower

* Finish writing and coloring your biography if you have not finished already.