Wednesday, September 18, 2013

September 16-27

A short but sweet week here in the second grade.

In Science the students enjoyed dissecting fruit to find how many
seeds were in each piece. Then we made a graph to show our results. We
also finished Chapter 1 in Science and took the quiz. Next week in
Social Studies we will start Unit 1, Governing the People.

This week in Math we continued with Chapter 2, Addition Strategies and
next week we will complete this chapter and start Chapter 3,
Subtraction Strategies.

In Reading next week we will read a non-fiction and fiction story
about hippos and compare the two. The stories are titled "George and
Martha, The Surprise" and "Hippos".

In English we will continue will Unit 1, The Sentence.

The Student of the Week this week is Kristopher Yeh. When Kristopher
is uncertain about a question or assignment, he always asks to make 
sure he is doing it correctly. Keep it up!

Dates to Remember September 23-27.

Monday Spelling Quiz: read, right, sing, sit, sleep, tell, their,
these, those, upon. Bonus Words; fibrous root, life cycle, cone,
commotion, delivered.

Thursday Math Quiz Chapter 2

Friday Monthly Assembly at 2:20 in the library.

2nd grade 2013/14 class

Silly time

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