Friday, September 6, 2013

September 2-13

It was a wonderful week for the second grade class. Everyone is well accustomed to the class routine and the class is up and running now. Great job everyone for their effort to keep the class routines at heart! Thank you parents for preparing healthy snacks, signing the homework book each day and for ensuring the students brought in all the correct school supplies. 

In Math class we continued with chapter 1 Understanding Addition. Next week we will complete this chapter, take a quiz and start chapter 2 Addition Strategies. 

In Science this week we started Chapter 1 Plants are Living Things. We collected seeds from around the school and from home. The students chose what seeds they wanted to plant and are now watering and waiting for them to sprout. Next week we will continue with this chapter. 

For Reading class this week, we read a fiction story about a pig called Julius. We also talked about events that could only happen in stories versus events that could happen in reality. Next week we will read a story called Mrs. Brown Went to Town. 

In English this week we started Unit 1, The Sentence. Next week we will continue with this chapter. 

The Student of the Week this week is Shido Tamamoto. Shido sets a wonderful example of helping other students, following the instructions and always giving his best effort. Keep up the good work!

Dates to remember September 9-13

Monday - Spelling Quiz (always, around, because, been, before, best, both, buy, cold, does)  Bonus words: taproot, seedling, shelter, nutrient, flower.

Wednesday - Math Quiz on Chapter 1 Understanding Addition. 

Thursday - Parent Introduction Evening. Please first meet at 6:30 in the library in the 5th floor. We will then move to the second grade classroom for class introduction. I'll share some information about the class, curriculum, homework and various policies.  I look forward to meeting some more parents!

Best Wishes,
James Anderson

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