Friday, September 13, 2013

September 9-18

Hello to all second grade blog followers. We had a week of wonderful
growth and learning! The students have enjoyed watering and watching
their plants grow and have been growing their knowledge in class.

In Reading this week we read a class favorite "Mrs. Brown Went to
Town" and answered related questions in our Reading Practice Book.
Next week is the long Moon Festival Weekend and we will not read a
story from the reading book but will continue with the Reading
Practice Book.

In Math we took our first quiz on Chapter 1. Just a reminder that when
tests get sent home they are to be signed by a parent and then brought
back to school. Thank you for helping your child with this. We also
started Chapter 2 Addition Strategies. Next week we will continue with
this chapter.

In Science we continued learning about plants. We took a small field
trip around campus collecting leaves, drawing them and then grouping
them. The students' plants are growing fast and they enjoy watching
this growth and watering them each day. Next week we will complete
this chapter and take a quiz.

In Handwriting this week we practice the letters "ng". I was impressed
by the handsome handwriting that the students were able to do.

In English this week we continued with Unit 1 The Sentence. Next week
we will continue with this unit.

Every Thursday we do the Reading Buddies activity with the 5th grade
class. This is a time for the second graders to have a mentor and
practice their reading, vocabulary and comprehension with an older
student. Please enjoy the pictures of this below.

The Student of the Week is Jungwon Yoo. Jungwon continues to be an
outstanding listener and follows directions the first time they are
given. Keep up the good work!

Days to remember September 16-18.

Monday - Spelling quiz: don't, first, five, found, gave, goes, green,
made, many, pull. Bonus Words: crumbs, slurped, imitation, spread,

Wednesday - Science Quiz on Chapter 1 Plants are Living Things

Thursday and Friday - no school

Best Wishes,

James Anderson

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