Friday, March 14, 2014

March 10-21

Good day to all second grade blog followers.

In Science we have begun to brainstorm ideas for the Science Fair. We have formed 7 groups and each group will do their own experiment and present them to the school on April 22. Can't wait to see them!

In Math class this week we focused on measuring capacity and weight. Next week we will conclude this topic and start topic 15, Time and Temperature.

For English this week we continued discovering adjectives. Next week we will review and practice what we have learned.

In Social Studies next week we will start chapter 4, People Long Ago. We will focus on how life has changed over time and how we live our lives today.

In Reading this week we read two stories and compared them. Next week we will focus on Biographies and will read three biographies of famous people.

The week we had a vote to select the Student of the Week. Everyone in class nominated one person they thought was the most helpful student in class. It was a close vote but the eventual winner was Jungwon Yoo. Congratulations!

Next week is Spirit Week. There will be a special prize each day for the student who shows the most spirit based on the clothes/outfit they wear. There will be 2 winners for Tuesday as it is Twins Day. Please see the poster on my blog for more details.

Upcoming Dates
Monday - Spelling Quiz (dancing, skipped, hiking, snapping, landed, rubbing, wasting, smelling, traced, fainted) Bonus Words (novel, blurry, submarine, carpenter, depart)
Wednesday - Race day, starting at 1:00,
Thursday - Math Quiz on Topic 14
Friday - Assembly at 2:10 (Please let me know if your child has won any awards outside of school).The second graders will also perform a song. As always please feel free to come in and watch.

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