Friday, March 21, 2014

March 17 - March 26

The second grade class showed so much spirit this week! It was wonderful to see all the participation. Please enjoy the pictures below.

Congratulations to Kristopher Yeh, Duncan Tseng and Jim Wu for their winning design of the egg shelter competition! Their egg made it through four levels and finally cracked when dropped from the 4th floor. Well done to everyone! Please find pictures below.

In Reading this week we focused on biographies. Next week we will continue with this theme.

For Math this week we completed topic 14 on Measurement and started topic 15, Time and Temperature.

In Science this week we continued working on our Science Fair projects. Next week we will continue to gather materials and prepare for the Fair which will be held on April 22nd.

For Social Studies we started Chapter 4, People Long Ago. We will focus on how life has changed over time and how we live our lives today. Next week we will continue with this theme.

Congratulations to Kristopher Yeh for being this week's Student of the Week! Kristopher showed a lot of enthusiasm for Spirit Week and his team also won the Egg Shelter Design competition. Well done!

Next Week:
Monday - Spelling Quiz: beauty, lazy, sorry, empty, lonely, alley, plenty, turkey, hockey, fifty (Bonus Words: pattern, sway, employee, spy, bold
Wednesday - English Quiz on Adjectives
Thursday - Professional Development Day - No school for students
Friday - Professional Development Day - No school for students

* Please return your Parent/Teacher appointment forms as soon as possible so I may create a schedule.

* Please also send in NT$250. for the Pottery Day which will be held on April 16th.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Most Green Cloths Winner is Jungwon

Twin Day. I can't tell you apart!?!!

Twin Day Winners! (Chris and Hyeon)

Red Day Winners! 

Fake or real injury? 

Voting for the class winner.

Crazy Cloths Day

Sean reading the morning story

Ashley reading a morning story

Would any parents like to come in a read a morning story? Let me know! 

Mr. A. reading a bedtime story (couldn't resist to add a picture of Hunter)

Egg Shelter Construction Competition

Planning Stage

Each group gets the same materials.

You can trade materials with other groups.

Each group builds a shelter to protect your egg from a fall.

Work together with your team

 It's coming together!

 Finished Protect 

If the egg breaks your team is out of the competition.

Are you ready? Time to Drop!

Level 1 Height 

Level 2 height 

Level 3 height (2nd floor)

Level 4 height (3rd floor)

 Our egg broke :(

Level 5 on the 4th floor.

 The winning team! 

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