Friday, March 7, 2014

March 3-14

We had another wonderful week in the second grade. In Math we continued to study Measurement: Length and Area. Next week we will start a new topic, Measurement: Capacity and Weight.

For English we started Chapter 8, Adjectives. Next week we will continue with this topic.

In Science we had loads of hands-on experiments using scales, measuring cups and magnifying glasses. Next week we will continue will this and have a quiz.

For Reading class this week we read a story called, "The Great Ball Game". Next week we will read two stories and compare them. One is a fiction story, "Little Grunt and Big Egg" and the other a non-fiction story, "Mighty Dinosaurs".

Congratulations to Yu Shimono for being the Student of the Week! Yu did a great job with new Math concepts this week and has shown a big improvement in reading.

Next week
Monday - Spelling Quiz (eagle, middle, special, final, bottle, double, towel, battle, trouble, uncle; Bonus words: colonies, tunnels, antennae, fungus, larvae)
Friday - Science quiz on Chapter 10

March 17-21 is Spirit Week at HIS and each day will have the following theme:
Monday - St. Patrick’s Day (GREEN)
Tuesday - Twin Day
Wednesday - Race Day - grade 2 wears red
Thursday - Fake Injury
Friday - Crazy Dress Day (Mix and Match/Color/backwards)

March 21 School Assembly (Feb/March)
March 26 Reports go home
March 27-28 PD day
March 29 Earth Hour (8:30-9:30pm)
March 31-5 Spring Break
April 5 Tomb Sweeping Holiday

 Balancing act

What's the volume?

That looks different

Volunteering to read to the class. 

And....I couldn't resist adding a recent picture of Hunter

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