Thursday, September 16, 2010


Dear Parents,

Thank you for sending back the paper of the holidays that you are interested in helping out with. I have written the name of your child next to 2 of the holidays that your help will be appreciated. I will post more information on this blog closer to the date of the holiday to let you know how you could help out and what the class will be doing to celebrate.

Best regards,

James Anderson

Our Holiday Parties are:

____Halloween/Fancy Dress Day (Wednesday, 27 October) Jacob, Kevin Y, Mackin, Ashley

____Thanksgiving (Thursday, 25 November) Your entire family is welcome to join us for lunch. We will all share a dish and have a wonderful Fall Harvest Festival/ American Thanksgiving together.  (The team that gets this holiday will help to organize the food items and help set it up on the day.) :-) Michelle, Ashley

____Christmas (Thursday, 16 December) Gift sharing time Tommy, Michelle, Annie

____Chinese New Year (Thursday, 27 January) Annie, Angus, Jonah

____Valentine's Day (Monday, 14 February) Kevin P, Jacob, Emily

____St. Patrick's Day (Thursday, 17 March) All things GREEN- Kevin P, Jonah

____Easter (Friday, April 22) Easter Egg Hunt- Emily, Kevin Y,

Mother's Day Celebration Tea (Friday, May 6th) We're celebrating YOU, our mothers! We've got this covered so just come and relax! :-)  Please just mark the date!

____End of the Year Party (Wednesday, June 22nd) Celebration party! We are moving on to 3nd grade! Tommy, Mackin, Angus

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