Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Week 5 news

Dear Parents,

The music teacher (Mrs. Fay) has asked me to ask you to take a look at her blog and help your child play the music ticket game. The students have already played this game in music class, but Mrs. Fay says that this will help students comprehend note values.
(blog address is:

The presentation this week has been moved to Friday so the students can be more prepared. The assignment is to read out loud their latest journal entry. They have been learning the steps of writing this week which includes prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading, and publishing. I've asked Mrs. Lines to join us during this presentation.
The grading is based on the following criteria:

Followed directions for the assignment
Spoke for required time
Answered questions
Spoke audibly
Correct use of language
Made eye contact with the audience
Listens without making distractions
Asks question(s) to other student about their presentation
Prepared required material

Looking forward to the presentation. Have a good day!

James Anderson

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