Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Small Change

The class presentation will be Thursday September 16th and NOT Wednesday September 15th - (Thank you Joy for pointing that out)
For the presentation, students are to pick a book that they enjoy reading. For 30 seconds they are to summarize the book, (characters, setting, conflict (if there is one) beginning, middle and end) and talk about why it's their favorite book. We have been learning how to summarize a book in class so students are familiar with this process.

The Grading scale for class presentations will be based on the following aspects:
Prepared required materail
Followed directions for the assignment
Spoke for required time
Answered questions
Spoke audibly
Correct use of language
Made eye contact with the audience
Listens without making distractions
Asks question(s) to other student about their presentation

Just a reminder that the homework book should be signed everyday. Also please sign the finished tests that I've marked and have your child bring them back to school the next day. Thanks.

James Anderson

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