Wednesday, February 29, 2012

2/29 Homework Happy Leap Day

Homework: Math WB 19.6, English Blackline Master 56-58, Spelling write sentences for new words (attach, public, sink, jacket, ache, blank, topic, struck, mistake, squirrel)

Friday, February 24, 2012

February 29 - March 2

Wow! What a wonderful week of sharing and learning about different
countries around the world! All the second grade students did a great
job presenting to the rest of the school. I could see how everybody
was excited to learn about other countries and cultures.

This week we have been quite busy with activities related to the International Week. Next week regular classes will be in full swing.

Things were so busy that we had to push back our Science Quiz to next
Thursday, much to the joy of the students. In Math, we will move from
multiplying to division. We will also be reading the next story in
our Reading book called "The Great Ball Game".

Congratulations to Ray Chang for being this week's Student of the
Week. He continues to be responsible in class and was extremely brave
when giving his presentation on Egypt. Keep it up!

Ray - Student of the Week

Dates to remember for the coming week:
- Monday and Tuesday - No school for students
- Wednesday Spelling quiz; beauty, marry, empty, valley, lonely,
alley, plenty, mercy, movie
- Thursday Science quiz Chapter 7 Using and Saving Resources

Have a great long weekend!

Pictures from International Week

2/24 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math Worksheet, Journal "What did you learn during international week? What did you like about it? Give details.", Reading WB 185-189, Spelling Review for spelling quiz.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

2/23 Homework

Homework: Math WS (multiplying 5), Reading Comprehension WB "First Place Katy", Reading WB 181-184.

* The Science quiz originally scheduled for tomorrow will be postponed to next week due to some of the extra activities that have taken place during International Week.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

2/22 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Be ready for the 2nd day of presentations.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2/21 Homework

Practice and be ready for the Egyptian presentation.

Parents are welcome to come in and watch the second grade presentations on Wednesday and/or Thursday morning. As well as go with the second grade class to other grades to learn about other countries. Please note that the second grade will give the same presentation to all the grades.

The schedule is as follows

Wednesday 2/22

9:00-9:20 - grade 2 goes to grade 1
9:20-9:40 - grade 2 goes to grade 5
9:40-10:00 - grade 6 comes to grade 2
10:00-10:20 - grade 2 goes to grade 3
10:20-11:00 - Snack and recess
11:00-11:20 - grade 4 comes to grade 2
11:20-11:40 - grade 2 goes to Pre-K
11:40-12:00 - Kindergarten comes to grade 2

Thursday 2/23

9:00-9:20 - grade 1 comes to grade 2
9:20-9:40 - grade 5 comes to grade 2
9:40-10:00 - grade 2 goes to grade 6
10:00-10:20 - grade 3 comes to grade 2
10:20-11:00 - Snack and recess
11:00-11:20 - grade 2 goes to grade 4
11:20-11:40 - Pre-K comes to grade 2
11:40-12:00 - grade 2 goes to Kindergarten

Monday, February 20, 2012

2/20 Homework

Homework: Spelling write sentence for new words (beauty, marry, empty, valley, lonely, alley, plenty, mercy), Social Studies practice presentation (see below)

Egypt presentation requirements:

(3-5 sentences on what you are going to talk about)

Where Egypt is located
Population of Egypt
Size of Egypt
Building you researched (1-3 facts about the building you researched)
Famous person you researched (1-3 facts about the person you researched)
Any other facts you researched about
* During the presentation give 3-5 opinions you have about your facts

Thank them for listening. Ask them if they have any questions. Encourage them to look at the pictures and read your portfolio

Friday, February 17, 2012

February 20-24

The second grade class had a great week. We continued to learn about
Egypt and made a portfolio entry which we will use to present to all the classes during International Week. In Math we started Chapter 19 on Multiplication and Division. I have to say I am impressed to see how fast the students are in picking up these concepts. In English, we began a chapter on Adjectives and in Reading we read a non-fiction story about Ants.

As next week is International Week at HIS, we will have a series of activities throughout the week. On Tuesday afternoon, the second and fourth grades will get together for activities on the countries assigned to each class. On Wednesday and Thursday mornings, each grade will visit one another to learn about their assigned country. This is when the second grade students will carry out the presentation on Egypt. We will also make an Egyptian Cartouche name tag using the traditional Egyptian alphabet.

If you borrowed a Reading Book CD from the first semester book could you please return it to the me.

If your child has won any awards outside of school could you please let me know so they can be mentioned at the monthly awards ceremony.

Congratulations to Wilson Tang for being this week's Student of the Week. Wilson has been being very responsible during the class and continues to write excellent journals.

Student of the Week

February 20-24 dates to remember.

- Monday Spelling quiz (flipped, snapping, checking, wasting, dared, dimmed, fainted, striped, breathing, tiring)

- Friday Science quiz on Chapter 7 Using and Saving Resources

Walk like an Egyptian

Learning About Egypt

Valentines Day

2/17 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Reading Journal "What is your favorite time of day?" Spelling review for quiz, Math WB 19.5

Thursday, February 16, 2012

2/16 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 19.2 and 19.4, Reading Comprehension WB "Earning Money".

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

2/15 Homework

Homework: English Black line master WB 47-49 and sign test, Math WB 19.1 and sign test, 
Social Studies bring a picture in for your Egypt passport (optional).


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

2/14 Homework

Happy Valentines Day!

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, English WB Blackline master 54-55, Reading WB 176-180

Monday, February 13, 2012

2/13 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math review for unit 6 quiz, Spelling write sentences for new words (flipped, snapping, checking, wasting, dared, dimmed, fainted, striped, breathing, tiring)

Valentines day is tomorrow. Students are welcome to bring in a snack to share with the students while we open class valentines day cards. Also it would be nice to wear red or pink to celebrate this holiday.

Friday, February 10, 2012

February 13-17

This week the second grade class researched the country of
Egypt. Next week we will be making a portfolio entry titled "Egypt"
which the students will use to present to each class during
International Week (February 22-23). We will also be working on other
activities that center around Egypt.

For Math, we have finished chapter 13 on Subtraction and next week
will have the unit test. Next week we will also move ahead to chapter 19
and start the chapter on Multiplication and Division. We are rearranging the chapters to prepare for the Iowa test which will be in early May. After
we finish with Multiplication and Division we will go back to Chapter

In English we finished our unit on verbs and will start unit 7 on
adjectives. In Reading we will read the story called "Ants". Students
who have a CD at home are encouraged to listen to the story ahead of
time to aid in their comprehension of the story. We will read the
story in class on Monday February 13.

Congratulations to Victoria Lee for being the Student of the Week.
She did an excellent job researching and writing about Egypt.

Student of the Week

February 13-17 dates to remember

- Monday spelling quiz
- Tuesday Mat Unit 6 test
- Tuesday Valentine's Day Party: students can bring in snacks to share
with classmates while we pass out valentines day cards

Thursday, February 9, 2012

2/9 Homework

Homework: Math Review for Chapter 13 quiz, English Review for unit 6 quiz, Reading WB 170-175,

Social Studies Finish first draft of Egypt writing (most students are finished).

2/8 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 13.6, Reading Comprehension WB "It's dinner time"

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

2/7 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 13.4-13.5, Reading WB 165-168

Monday, February 6, 2012

2/6 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math 13.3, Spelling Write sentences for new words (towel, nickel, metal, total, eagle, middle, special, bottle, double, battle), Sign reading quiz

Friday, February 3, 2012

February 6-10

The second grade class welcomed two new students for the second semester.  They are Adrien Chabanne from France and Ray Chang from Taiwan.  All the returning students are doing a great job at making them feel comfortable and helping them settle into the class nicely.

New students and their special helpers.

This week has been a busy and fun week.  We started the new chapters in Math (Chapter 13) and in Science (Chapter 7) on Natural Resources.  In Reading, we started a story called "Officer Buckle and Gloria".  I have here CDs that correspond to the stories in our reading book.  If you would like to borrow one for the semester for your child to listen to at home please let me know.  We also had our 4th class presentation on Hsinchu.  I was happy to see improvements in the students’ presentation skills.

Congratulations to Aoi Fujimoto for being this week’s Student of the Week.  He was very helpful in making the new students settle into the class.

Student of the Week.

Feb 6-10 dates to remember

-          Monday Spelling quiz (sailor, harbor, weather, ladder, cellar, chapter, suffer, proper, favor, beggar)
-          Friday English quiz on Chapter 6 verbs
-          Friday Math quiz on Chapter 13

Portfolio Preparation

Portfolio Preparation 
Presentation Practice 

 The battery ran out on my camera during the presentations. My apologies for not showing all the students. 

Second Grade Class Hard at Work

Building a tinfoil boat 
Careful Design 

How much weight can your boat hold

2/3 Homework

Homework: Math WB 13.1-13.2, Spelling Review for quiz, Reading Journal "Name one thing you do really well and describe it in detail."

Thursday, February 2, 2012

2/2 Homework

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 12.7, English Grammar WB 54-56

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

2/1 Homework

HIS will be having International Week from February 20-24. The second grade class has decided to study and present about the country of Egypt. Please bring in any books or props about Egypt to display around the class that could help spice up the classroom to help make it have an Egyptian feel. Also if you have any ideas on Egyptian food or activities to do during the week you are welcome into the classroom and help with these. Please let me know. 

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, Math WB 12.5-12.6, Reading Comprehension WB "Emily's Harvest"