Friday, February 24, 2012

February 29 - March 2

Wow! What a wonderful week of sharing and learning about different
countries around the world! All the second grade students did a great
job presenting to the rest of the school. I could see how everybody
was excited to learn about other countries and cultures.

This week we have been quite busy with activities related to the International Week. Next week regular classes will be in full swing.

Things were so busy that we had to push back our Science Quiz to next
Thursday, much to the joy of the students. In Math, we will move from
multiplying to division. We will also be reading the next story in
our Reading book called "The Great Ball Game".

Congratulations to Ray Chang for being this week's Student of the
Week. He continues to be responsible in class and was extremely brave
when giving his presentation on Egypt. Keep it up!

Ray - Student of the Week

Dates to remember for the coming week:
- Monday and Tuesday - No school for students
- Wednesday Spelling quiz; beauty, marry, empty, valley, lonely,
alley, plenty, mercy, movie
- Thursday Science quiz Chapter 7 Using and Saving Resources

Have a great long weekend!

Pictures from International Week

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