Friday, February 3, 2012

February 6-10

The second grade class welcomed two new students for the second semester.  They are Adrien Chabanne from France and Ray Chang from Taiwan.  All the returning students are doing a great job at making them feel comfortable and helping them settle into the class nicely.

New students and their special helpers.

This week has been a busy and fun week.  We started the new chapters in Math (Chapter 13) and in Science (Chapter 7) on Natural Resources.  In Reading, we started a story called "Officer Buckle and Gloria".  I have here CDs that correspond to the stories in our reading book.  If you would like to borrow one for the semester for your child to listen to at home please let me know.  We also had our 4th class presentation on Hsinchu.  I was happy to see improvements in the students’ presentation skills.

Congratulations to Aoi Fujimoto for being this week’s Student of the Week.  He was very helpful in making the new students settle into the class.

Student of the Week.

Feb 6-10 dates to remember

-          Monday Spelling quiz (sailor, harbor, weather, ladder, cellar, chapter, suffer, proper, favor, beggar)
-          Friday English quiz on Chapter 6 verbs
-          Friday Math quiz on Chapter 13

Portfolio Preparation

Portfolio Preparation 
Presentation Practice 

 The battery ran out on my camera during the presentations. My apologies for not showing all the students. 

Second Grade Class Hard at Work

Building a tinfoil boat 
Careful Design 

How much weight can your boat hold

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