Friday, February 10, 2012

February 13-17

This week the second grade class researched the country of
Egypt. Next week we will be making a portfolio entry titled "Egypt"
which the students will use to present to each class during
International Week (February 22-23). We will also be working on other
activities that center around Egypt.

For Math, we have finished chapter 13 on Subtraction and next week
will have the unit test. Next week we will also move ahead to chapter 19
and start the chapter on Multiplication and Division. We are rearranging the chapters to prepare for the Iowa test which will be in early May. After
we finish with Multiplication and Division we will go back to Chapter

In English we finished our unit on verbs and will start unit 7 on
adjectives. In Reading we will read the story called "Ants". Students
who have a CD at home are encouraged to listen to the story ahead of
time to aid in their comprehension of the story. We will read the
story in class on Monday February 13.

Congratulations to Victoria Lee for being the Student of the Week.
She did an excellent job researching and writing about Egypt.

Student of the Week

February 13-17 dates to remember

- Monday spelling quiz
- Tuesday Mat Unit 6 test
- Tuesday Valentine's Day Party: students can bring in snacks to share
with classmates while we pass out valentines day cards

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